GWGAllisfan Posted December 29, 2005 Posted December 29, 2005 I just put a new coil on one of my 10 HP briggs. It is a 1976 model, so it was originally points, it looks like someone tried to convert it at some point, but it had weak spark I added this new coil and it seems to spark as it turns over here's the entire assembly i guess did i do this right can refer both to the coil and the pictures!:)
RayS Posted December 29, 2005 Posted December 29, 2005 Looks right to me. Do you have the air gap set at .010 . They should have supplied you with a shim with the new coil.
Ronald Hribar Posted December 29, 2005 Posted December 29, 2005 I always clean the rust off the flywheel, just feel that I get better spark that way.
GWGAllisfan Posted December 29, 2005 Author Posted December 29, 2005 Thanks to whomever fixed the pictures. There wasn't a shim, so I used a feeler guage to set the gap. I still have to put a carb on it and find a battery, since I don't have a rope starter pulley.
B.Ikard Posted December 30, 2005 Posted December 30, 2005 Randy, I have a 15/16hp Briggs (1971 Build) with an identical coil that WILL spark discnnected from the points.....very strange as the coil has 2 wires running to the terminal board on the points cover. One for shutdown grounding and the other for the points. The coil will create a spark every revolution but has no signs of tampering or a piggyback magnetron retrofit. Hope you can make it Monday. Ike
a7117puller Posted January 1, 2006 Posted January 1, 2006 take the belt off that pulley and try winding a rope around it. It should have the notches in that pulley.
GWGAllisfan Posted January 1, 2006 Author Posted January 1, 2006 I've noticed some have the notches on the pulley, but this particular one doesn't. I've still got to rig up a fuel tank support that I can bolt to the pallet the engine is on. Last time I ran one the tank wasn't bolted to the pallet and the tank and the motour started moving in opposite directions. A tense moment there. Seems like every time I try to work on it, something else comes up that keeps me from working on it. Maybe next weekend.
surviver2003 Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 Your question and looking at these pictures reminded me of the 13hp briggs thats been sitting in my shed for the last 2 years. Has a new coil on it and the gap is set but no spark. I'll pull the fly wheel to make sure the key isn't sheared, but I really don't think that is the problem. How is the wiring going to the points supposed to be hooked up? As you can see in the attached photo the wire from the coil goes to a stud on the block and then to the points and the other wire from the stud apparently went to the ignition switch but just goes nowhere right now. My question is, doesn't that stud on the engine block, that the coil wire goes to, ground the wire? And if so, how does the wire from there to the points accomplish anything? Hope this makes sense and any help or advice you can offer to help this novice get this engine to run, or at least spark, will be greatly appreciated.[url="pop_download.asp?mode=Edit&dir=surviver2003&file=19532"] [img]images/disk.gif[/img][/url]
GWGAllisfan Posted January 6, 2006 Author Posted January 6, 2006 I don't know, but my assumption is that the stud is insulated as it goes through the back plate. It seems to be like a junction box.
MPH Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 That stud is insulated. Might be a quick check to make sure yours hasn't been replaced with just a bolt Bob. That would kill your spark
GWGAllisfan Posted January 21, 2006 Author Posted January 21, 2006 Heres the test rig I built to try to start this motour. Other side funny what you can do with cable ties and odd carpenter tools:D Finally today I got a battery, some fuel, and hardest of all to find, some time. With the second power stroke it fired and ran. it seems to run too fast, and the carb has a bent needle valve so I'll have to work on that, but it runs. I think it's still a bit rich, but that it actually ran is encouraging. Maybe it won't be three weeks until the next time I get to work on it.
BigSix Posted January 21, 2006 Posted January 21, 2006 quote: funny what you can do with cable ties and odd carpenter tools:D That's an ingenious, little engine test bed you've got there. Congratulations on the fire-up! I had the opposite reaction on this little freebie woodsplitter I was given, yesterday. Went all through the carb, scavanged a tank off of my rototiller, pulled the rope (optimistically putting on my Peltor earmuffs--har har!) NO spark. Pulled the flywheel, and not only aren't the points moving, but there's a "highwater mark" of rust, inside the points cover, up to the top side of the crankshaft, and massive aluminum oxide and rust over everything. Enter Phase II of the restification.... So I can appreciate your recent success--keep it up! Peter
Willin Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 In all my years with small engines, I have seen but a few bad coils. Generally, if you emory cloth the magnets on the flywheel until they are nice and shiny, you will be okay. also, you need to do the same thing to the legs on the coil. If you don't have a .010 feeler gauge handy, I find the use of a business card is just about the same thickness. After all is said and done, you still have to find out if you have a grounded wire, or a bad gound somewhere. Hope this helps some, good luck! By the way, I am a rookie here, so I don't know if I'm in the right place for this. I'll try anyway. Have access to a '80's model 919H with the KT19 engine, recently overhauled. It comes with a good 42" snowthrower and a 48" mower deck. The tractor seems to be in average condition, and everything seems to work. Can anyone tell me the value of this package? Average, guess, what you would pay, etc? Thanks in advance,
HubbardRA Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 Willin, What would I pay? Probably not over $300, but I already have 4 tractors and one with a snowblower. I'd say a good price, if the tractor is in good working condition, would be in the $500-$750 range. I've seen these machines go for $1200+, but I wouldn't pay that much.
Willin Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 Thanks, Rod. Are these tractors not any good, that they command so little? A person wants to trade me, and I know my trade is worth quite a little more than your highest quote! Rod, when you quoted me these prices, were you figuring in the snowthrower and the mower deck? Anyone else care to respond? Please do! Thanks in advance, Willin in North Dakota
Willin Posted February 3, 2006 Posted February 3, 2006 I asked this question a few days ago, and only one person responded, so I'll ask it again! Can someone please give me the value(FAIR) of : mid 1980's 919H in average shape with rebuilt KT19 engine, nearly new 42" snowthrower, and average 48" deck. These tractors are fairly new to me, and I have no way to place a value on them. Can some of you collectors help me out with this? I have a deal going on this package and I'd like to know the value. Thanks in advance, Will in Lakota}:)}:)
HubbardRA Posted February 4, 2006 Posted February 4, 2006 Willin, If you think it is worth much more than is said, than that is up to you. Pay what you think it is worth. I gave you my opinion, that's all. You asked, I answered. If you don't like what I said, then ask someone else. I told you what I would be willing to pay. You are the one who has to decide what a good price is. You obviously don't agree, so pay whatever you wish. It's not up to me.
Guest Posted February 4, 2006 Posted February 4, 2006 looks like you need a couple cans of black spray paint for that engine
Willin Posted February 5, 2006 Posted February 5, 2006 Rod, I didn't go off on you, rather the other way around! Then, I asked you if the prices that you quoted me were for just the tractor or the whole package-tractor, blower, and mower deck. You never did answer me! Then I asked for other people's opinions, and you went off the deep end! What an attitude for a person to have, on such a friendly site. Sorry, I don't think like you. I really don't know what all this stuff is worth, I really wanted to know! Sorry if I stepped on your toes. Maybe I shouldn't have asked in the first place!
GWGAllisfan Posted February 5, 2006 Author Posted February 5, 2006 Nick, I started it with a battery and some jumper cables. Negative to a head bolt and positive to the S/G. I'm thinking about treating the rustier metal with a rust converter then painting it. It needs cleaning first and it's been raining too much for me to get it outside and clean it. I got a rope starter cup recently so i may use that in the future. I want to put it out in the yard and run it for maybe 20-30 minutes to make sure it will behave before I swap it in to the tractor. Been busy with other projects so little has been done on it lately. Randy
Ronald Hribar Posted February 5, 2006 Posted February 5, 2006 I bought a newer model than the 919 with snow blower deck and tiller for $1200 from a dealer. It was in excellent shape. It is what you want to pay. Do you realize the age of these machines. What is your Pinto worth?
UCD Posted February 5, 2006 Posted February 5, 2006 What something is worth is a matter of opinion. what is worth $100.00 to me might only be worth $50.00 to some one else even thought he might need it or want it. Any given item is worth more to the seller than the buyer. Very seldom do you find a seller wanting $100.00 for an item and a buyer offering to pay $150. What any Item is worth depends on what the seller is willing to sell it for and what the buyer is willing to pay. The final decision on worth is yours that is why we don't like WHAT IS IT WORTH? questions here. The Question was asked and Rod gave his opinion. If that opinion was not liked it should have been left at that. That is also the reason more replies were not posted. If someone wants to trade you and you think his trade is worth less and yours worth more tell that to the person you are trading with don't ask others opinion as it always leads to bad feelings all the way around. The same with Auction prices, one auction doesn't set the value of all like items. An average of several auctions would some what set an average value or a range of value. With out explicit photo's and very accurate mechanical description of the item it is imposable to give an accurate or even a ball park value. Call your doctor and tell him you don't feel good what is wrong . He will tell you that with out more info and a personal exam he can not tell you.
ZippoVarga Posted February 5, 2006 Posted February 5, 2006 Bravo Maynard. I couldnt have worded it better my self. Willin....One mans junk is another mans treasure. Except when you are convinced yours is not junk. I think where you got off on the wrong foot was by not thanking Rod for his honest and knowledgeable opinion and then asking for further opinions. As to say....hmmm..... I dont like rods answer, i'll look for another one. Well, here's my opinion on what it's worth now as opposed to before you decided Rod's estimate wasnt what you wanted to hear. I got a brand new quarter, can you make change? The way i see it. Your tractor is quickly loosing it's value and it's not because of the tractor. As Maynard put it. There's no real way to appraise your equiptment with out first inspecting it. That's why in here you get what others would pay. It's OUR OPINION that you asked for. I hope the deal you make turns out to be beneficial to all involved and that no one gets taken advantage of in the process. This IS a friendly place, that's why you'll get these kinds of responses when you step on toes. Just bear in mind, for the most part we're not in this club to make a fortune. We're here to learn, make friends, enjoy our passion and to share our stories. If you paid your dues expecting that this would be your answer to financial freedom then you are sadly mistaken. We go BROKE with our passions here!! Best of luck to you and to whom ever you are planning on making a deal with. I trust he'll be a wise man and not offer you more than your tractor and implements are worth. But if he does, send his number our way. :-)
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