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B-112 Progress report---Back Together

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Though I been somewhat sidetracked lately am making a little headway on the 112. here's as stripped down as it got'

the 16hp I scored two years ago for 50 bucks. Cyl walls still have good cross hatching, oil pan didn't have any nasties in it so hope it runs good for a long time to come. That color is ugly even on a Cast iron 16hp briggs.

couldn't change oil pan because of the different oil fill setup going from a '72 to a '75 engine. Had to peel my heat pad off the old one and glue it on this one.

Now it's fit to put in my B-112

here's why not to paint something with a piece still on. if I recall right I couldn't get this off 5 years ago, why fight it, always gonna need the lift mechanish, Wrong.

Coming back together, ready for a Briggs. Amazing, I move the steering wheel and the front tires move too, they've never done that.

Briggs in with S/G carb and muffler. Think I'm gonna try the muffler with this 22 degree elbow for awhile, don't like the looks of it so far.

With the hood support on

Should be running in the morning, well, maybe afternoon. Finally looks like a B-112 again:)

Marty, It sure is turning out nice and that 16hp will make a noticable difference.
Lookin good Marty, That 16 Briggs should really bring her to life.:D
You're making some pretty good progress on that one Marty. It is looking real good.
Nice job Marty,Did you say you got (a little sidetracked)? Thats funny !!
Glad to see your back on track. Looks real good! Brenda :)
Nice work on that one. How long has the project taken to this point?
Nice work on the 112.The 16 will make a big difference.
Marty, 16HP and hydraulic lift -- you're going to have a VERY capable machine there! I think you may have something to compete with your 725... ;) What steering gear did you use in this one? The round cast-iron one off 9HP and earlier tractors? If so, you'll find that it has a much slower gear ratio -- you have to turn the steering wheel farther for the same effect -- but you can adjust it to get almost all the slop out and it feels much "stronger and solid" than the pie-shaped later-model ones.
Yea Kent, it's the round gear I put in. I like the slower gear ratio, feel I have better/easier control of the the steering. Getting the slop outta the gear mesh is another plus. As the bushing was way loose in the old one I gained a lot there in tighting the steering. Am looking forward to the fresh 16hp esp. with the snowblower. The old engine was a 16 also but was pretty tired, 1 tank of gas, clean the plug.:( Derailed might have been a better word Paul. but it's alright.
Now that is a great FDT! 16 hp and hydraulic lift. You're gonna like this one. :)
Great work; thanks for sharing the pics.
Looking Good! Marty. But, I though you were going to send me that hydro lift. :D:D
"But, I though you were going to send me that hydro lift" seem to recall that idea John, and my reply, but after going through the trouble of putting it in i'm really glad I didn't put you through it.:D:D Haven't put a load on it yet but sure makes the lift arms move easy.:) Fired off so quick i almost wasn't ready for it. Briggs, just gotta love 'em. Think I need a new fuel filter as it started acting like it was running outta gas after about 10 min of running, spark was still the same soon as it died.
The only thing you could have asked for extra would have been a nice Vickers Hydro rear to go into it. Probably a good thing you don't have one for it or the 725 might never see any use again. Lookin good there Marty. Wish I'd take the time just to put the 212 back together. I removed the hydro lift and never took time to put the dash back in. That 16 ought to make good use of the 42" blower now that you have it ready. Might better run to tok and get a few extra belts. I dought Brenda will be in tom. lol
great work there Marty. Keep those pictures coming. JH
Hey Marty, I have a set of running boards that would look good on it. LOL
Hey Rod, not sure what all these mean but one them should cover that statement8D:I:p}:);):o)B)8:(8)[:0]:(!xx(|):X^[V]? Now that ain't no :D matter:)
Originally posted by MPH
Hey Rod, not sure what all these mean but one them should cover that statement8D:I:p}:);):o)B)8:(8)[:0]:(!xx(|):X^[V]? Now that ain't no :D matter:)
Well said Marty......:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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