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Snowblower Hitch (update more pics)

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In an earlier post I showed a picture of my 917H with the 42" snowblower mounted but not operational due to needing the front clutch on the engine.

Ronald Hribar sent me a message asking why I was using the front clutch setup as his tractor used the center pto for the blower. My blower came with the front clutch hitch. Now with the help from Ronald Hribar I have a hitch to be able to use the center pto. Ron was kind enough to send me one of his hitches to copy. I took several pictures and measurements from his hitch and then sent it back to him asap in case he needed it. First 2 pictures are of the hitch Ron sent to me.

Here are some pictures of the hitch I made today. Took just a few hours. It's not pretty yet but will take care of that later. So far cost me about $12 for materials. Started with new flat iron.

Cutting notches.

Pieces cut and drilled.

Getting ready to weld.

Welded pieces.

And the new hitch.

Tomorrow I will try to get it on the tractor and blower and make what ever adjustments are needed and see how well it's gong to work. Bought a new belt to put on.:)New belt cost $61.50[:0]:( from Simplicity dealer. Once again I would like to say THANK YOU! to Ronald Hribar for his help. 1/3/06 Got blower mounted on tractor and running.8D Hitch mounted on tractor.

Had to put pulley on the other side of the bracket for the belt to line up.

Running pto and snowblower.

Testing blower.

Blowing snow, widening the driveway.

Very pleased with how this turned out. Next spring I can take it off and clean it up a bit and paint it. LET IT SNOW!!:D:D:D
Nice fab job Bruce. Sure's helpful to have friends like Ron around. Think that long belt will last you longer then the front pto ones do, might be cheaper in the long run.
Good job.One of these days I'm going to make one for mine,just have to find the time.Thanks for the pics.
Ronald Hribar
Thanks for making me look good. Nice job on hitch. Maybe you will have to make more for resale. Lots of newer tractors using older snowblowers.
"Once again I would like to say THANK YOU! to Ronald Hribar for his help." Ain't it great?!! Sure don't take long to get $10.00 worth around here. Very nice work!! Thanks for the pic's
Neat idea! Could you show pictures of the blower attached, using the center pto? Thanks, JH
Hmmmm..... Be careful on showing such a 'pro' job, we could keep you busy for quite a while!! LOL GREAT Work!! (Hey Ron, GOOD one!!) JP
Thank for all the kind words. Not sure I would call it a 'pro' job just functional.
Thanks a bunch for the extra pictures. I guess its just like the lawn mower set-up except for a longer belt (and angle change at the hitch). JH
You must mean clean up the hitch and paint it, the blower looks like it saw it's first snow today. Good looking set-up and glad to see it works well.
Your right Marty. My mistake, I did mean the hitch. I think you are right about the blower too. I bought it a couple years ago and haven't used it yet until now. The only wear on it looks to be from moving it around.
Here is a picture of the blower hitch on my 7790. It is pinned in both the front and rear hitch holes as opposed to just the rear holes. This helps prevent the left side sag.

Great POST and PICS!! I will be picking up a blower for my AC712 in just a few days. Do you know if this hitch will work on my tractor? If this hitch will work on mine, would you be willing to make another one? Of course I will pay for materials and your time and effort plus shipping, in advance. Dan aka IronPony
FYI -- I can't pin up either my 36" or 42" snowblowers on my FDTs the way that Maynard's picture shows... the holes don't line up.
Ronald Hribar
I think that there is a new hole drilled in the snow blower hitch. And Maynard has a pin thru existing hole in tractor hitch and new hole . I know I am dangerous when I think
I don't think so. This hitch has been on this tractor from the day I bought the tractor new 21 years ago. It could have been something the dealer did but I didn't do it.
I may be wrong, but if you look real close at the front pin in Maynards picture it looks like the pin comes through the hole up-hill slightly. My old hitches I had with the 36 inch blowers were off so much I could just barely get a 1/4 inch bolt through them. On the hitch I used on the 42 inch, which was in nice straight shape, was orange and I'm guessing came with some cut up pieces of a Landlord 101 and butchered orange 36 inch blower I got from Bruce in North pole last Aug. Mounted on the same tractor, B-112, I can get 5/16 bolts through it. Had planned on welding them shut and redilling them straight but forgot about it til I was mounting it. Never have understood them being drilled like they are.
Ronald Hribar
Is the hitch that I sent to Bruce the proper hitch for a 7117 ? It has only two holes perside. One for Blower, the other for tractor hitch.
It is the correct hitch. My 7790 is the same tractor only with a 18½ hp diesel. In other words a 7117 on steroids.
Ronald Hribar
My 7117 has 20 pony power Kohler magnum. Thought it would be noticeable difference over 17. AS you can see in Bruce's picture, the hitch does not have hole you hitch does. Going to drill hole and bolt to tractor hitch
Maynard, what's the lever towards the left of the pic? Maybe just a handle to help lift it in place or ???? Dan
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