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Sure was bummed when I lifted this up for the first time. Never crossed my mind I should have mounted it before I fixed all up to see if twisted or not

doesn't even sit down flat

drivers view

Recieved an extra AC decal so I put it on seat. Thankyou Brenda of Sandy Lake for those and the bearings:) Parts in 4 days.

Best I can figure is the blower housing is welded to the hitch crooked. Any thoughts on how I might fix it or somewhere else too look for the problem I sure do need.
Does it sit flat on the ground when the lift rod is not attached?
Both of mine are that way when raised,but sit flat on the ground.Sure looks nice marty.
Ronald Hribar
Mine was that way when I raised it also. I added lift arm to other side of tractor. My 36 inch blower has round stops above mounting holes and that does not sag
Are you sure it's not the floor??;);):D:D Just kidding of course. Mine also sags when lifted, but not when down. What would happen if you put a 2 x 4 under the left side and simply stood on the right? Would it rack back into place?
I agree with John. You should be able to bend the hitch to make it sit flat. You had it apart and bolted it back together without being attached to the tractor. I hate to say it, but if you add up the clearance in all the bolt holes, the unit can probably be put together this far off.
Nice looking Job on the blower & Tractor.!!
Marty Been there done that. Put a block of wood under the low side and push down on high side. If you can't get enough leverage pushing down on it ( I am about twice your size ) use a 2x4 with one end under something that wont move. I used a hydraulic jack between the blower housing and body on my one ton car hauler.
"Are you sure it's not the floor??" Ouch:D:D that's ok John.... The 4x6 block in the first pic is what I used under the left side while I bounced up and down on the right sidebut my skinny but didn't cause any give. I'll try loosing the hitch bolts and using a jack today, thanks for the ideas. Best of all, it's good to hear I don't have a one and only freak hear. When I went back out to turn off the lights I looked at the where the hitch is welded to the blower shell and it is welded on even and the hitch ears haven't been modified or anything weird like that so I'll just haveta 'make it give'. Thanks guys
Apparently it isn't too unusual. I had a mower deck that was like that. When I checked the mounts (that attach the deck to the axle) I found that the two mounts were not lined up properly when welded. I used the mount from another deck (which was properly aligned). Now it sits level like it is supposed to.
Marty, great looking blower, you did a fine job! If you can't get it bent back straight, you can always let out the air in the front tire:D:D:D Just kidding. Mine does the same thing when I raise it up. Randy
Did some more jumpping on the rt side with a plank under the left side picking the front tire off the ground, got about half of it out. Will continue after I get done with splitting fire wood. Wonder if a strap from the lift arm on the blower over to the left side towards the front would help lift it up straighter?
"Wonder if a strap from the lift arm on the blower over to the left side towards the front would help lift it up straighter?" Sure wouldn't hurt. The single lift arm is raising a lot of unbalanced weight from the right side only.
Hey Marty looks like you got enough advice already' just want to say the paint job looks great!!! what did you use for paint? I'm gona have to paint my orange 42" banana soon!!
Here's an idea to make it straight - let some air out of the tires on the high side! ;) The bill is in the mail... LOL!!
Paul, On the outside i used JD pre'92 construction yellow like I used on the tractor 5 years ago. On the inside and augar I used rustoleum the lady at the local True Valve mixed to match with the fresh paint on the chain cover. Been about perfect if I wouldn't have had her add 2 more shots of red. Think one would have been it. I brushed it on so it looks a lot better in photo form.
If you have a cherry picker, or chain fall, you might also sling the left side and lift the front of the tractor off the floor. That would let the weight of the tractor do all the work. I've had success with this in other applications.
Marty This is how my blower hitch is connected to the tractor. It is pinned in both the front and rear holes on the tractor frame. This also helps with the left side sag when lifted.

Looks like your front hole pins come through at an angle also Maynard. Was gonna weld mine up and redrill them straight accross but forgot til I went to mount it. Instead of a 3/8 pin I haveto use a 5/16 bolt to work at the angle. What's up with that?
Ronald Hribar
Soon as I get home I have to look how my hitch hooks up. Maynard to the rescue again!!
Did some more jumpping on it today, got it so it sits 'almost' flat on the floor.

results of my 155lbs jumping on the rt side

Went and dropped to 25 below overnite so haven't convinced myself to go looking for snow too blow that doesn't need blowing. Yet.
Geeess, build a little lean to and add some concrete and now he's afraid to go outside. Guese you'll have to wait till spring thaw now.lol
If you can't get it flat, I'd be willing to use it on my uneven drive. I'm sure it will remove more than enough snow much faster than a shovel.
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