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grinding when shifting

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i have a 738 broadmoar tractor and when i shift gearsit grinds shifting. tryed justing belt and brake and a diffent rear end and same thing.i have a 717 and when you push the cluth in the wheel on the rear end stops but not on the 738 are they suppose to stop on the 738 to.
Yes, Sounds like the belt is to short or the belt is out of adjustment or there is to much rust on the pullies that don't let the belt slip when released(clutched). I found that if you don't use a Simplicity belt you either end up with one to short or to long.
also could be the belt stops are not adjusted properly. That will cause the belt to keep the pulley at the tranny to keep turning. these belt stops are located at the motor end of the drive belt.
I'd agree w/ Bill. Check between the other tractors you have for the wire style belt guides spaced around the engine pulley. Proper adjustment should help your problem or elliminate it.
I had the same problem on a 725 and replace the tranny,bgb oil and adjusted the belt stops. The grinding has gone away.
You can go to the club home page in the upper right corner in Search for Manuals at Simplicity Mfg. box type in this MFG# 990898 from there you can download the manuals for the BroadMoor 738.

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