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Obsessed with tractors now with pictures

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I currently have 32 tractors of which 15 run. Have different attachments on each so I don't have to change implements all the time.I think I could use more. Can't ever have too many.:D
Originally posted by timack
God I love that! Elon
Some pics as requested. See my picture gallery for more.

Now I understand why you only got 11 feet for a shop. Man, you got tractors everywhere else. Nice collection. Can you list them all from memory?
Your not obsessed, your just fiting in.lol
Nice collection. It has a little of everything. How do you like the heavy duty tiller?
I think I can use this post as ammunition with the wife to go from 3 to 4 machines!!! THANKS :)
That is one heck of a fleet!! You've got all the bases covered.
Your barn looks like mine...I dont yet have all the stantions (sp) cut out. I filled my gutter with pieces of plaster from doing a remodel project in our upstairs..Im planning on putting sand over that and capping it with concrete...Easier to drive over then! Nice looking collection by the way!
I just read your profile..youre not too far away...We may have to get together for a 'therapy' session :-)
Nice collection -you have me by 3 but you have a place to play and park yours. My yard is like a mall parking lot at Christmas. Sometimes I have to drive up and down the yard waiting for someone to pull out. I dream of indoor parking like that -
Claire and Jay....my wife said she would like me to join you for drinks and therapy. She said I should take good notes because if I ever have a tractor "collection", I will have plenty of time to work on them after the divorce. I am not far from you either!
Claire you have a very good collection of tractors. At least I know I'am not the only one who has over 30 tractors.;) :D Takes over 20 minutes to count my tractors,I have them sitting on the lawn in several places.:D:D Most of my tractors are sitting outside under tarps and in several buildings. Karl [url]www.simplicityva.com[/url]
You have one very nice collcetion of tractors.You fit in very niceily.Keep the pictures coming.
at a total of eight tractors, the wife is OK. Do I dare try to find out what happens if a tenth shows up?lol Nice collection. You guys just mite let me get a tenth. :) Elon
Every time my wife compained about all my trators, I show her a post like this and she shuts up. Thanks guys.....
NO there will be NO 10th at the Hertzfeld's :X if I have my say :p ! Nice try though :D. But I do have to say it is quite the collection as long as you have the room. Melanie
Nice collection makes me look like a rank amatuer(sp?)with my 8 tractors. JH
Hi, I'm a long time lurker. First time poster, although I just paid dues for my third year and was here lurking before that. I identify with Bear and have nearly the same figures on owned/ running. Only two of them fit the profile of this site so I'm not sure I truly belong here. I'm what could be called an Equal Opportunity tractor lover. Pictures -----I don't know how to do. I just want you guys to know I appreciate this site. Jim
Originally posted by jdm
Hi, I'm a long time lurker. First time poster, although I just paid dues for my third year and was here lurking before that. I identify with Bear and have nearly the same figures on owned/ running. Only two of them fit the profile of this site so I'm not sure I truly belong here. I'm what could be called an Equal Opportunity tractor lover. Pictures -----I don't know how to do. I just want you guys to know I appreciate this site. Jim
Welcome to the forum Jim. I have passed through your area many times while my son was spending my tractor money down there in W. Lafayette :) You will find that we aren't too hard on new posters here :D and there is plenty of help available, as i am sure you already know. Nothing wrong with variety. What all kinds do you have? Besides my Simps and AC, I have a couple of Bolens and an Ariens.
Thanks, Mike. I have a Simplicity 7010 that I leave a snowblower on. A 710 AC with a pushblade. The rest are a few Wheelhorses, pre-Craftsman Sears, Case, Ingersoll, Bolens, Ford. I even have a somewhat rolling chassis of a Tiger tractor that has been extremely modified, but it's neat. I don't know if I'll ever make anything runable out of that. I just like them all.
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