FastPaul Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 I got this given to me today from a friend, he said that his dad had it rebuilt years ago but was never used, he said he wasn't sure what kind of tractor it came from. It looks the same as the ones on my tractors, But it has a cooling fan and oilers on the bearings.Good score for free!! dose this look like any of your starter/generators on your tractors.?
D-17_Dave Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 Looks more like an automotive style gen. w/ the heat sinks, cooling fan, and open rear end. It also may just be a gen. Not a starter/ gen. A starter/gen. has wider armature bands so it can handle the infux of amperage while starting an engine. I've never seen a starter set up this way.
MPH Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 The one on my 725 has the oilers on both ends, LL has only one on the pulley end, B-112 doesn't have any, non have cooling fins. All are Delco Remey, model #'s 1101980, 1101864,and 1101945. Not sure that'll help you any. The one i just took off the B=112 doesn't have any #'s on it. It quit charging about a year ago. Not sure I wanna tell you how to test if it's a S/G or just Gen cause I might misguide you. There's smarter guys here on that then me.
Karl_Brandt Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 I think that is a old generator of a car or farm tractor. My Ferguson 35 has one almost like that{12V},but the back has a drive for the hour meter. Karl [url][/url]
BLT Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 Starter/generators from what I have been told were all sealed units, no cooling fans, because Delco-Remy at the time regarded the atmosphere these units were operating in, was worse then a farm tractor and would only sell them to Briggs and other all sealed up That is why they are only good for 8 amps nominal charging, no cooling fans. Years ago Delco won't sell any OEM anything until protoype testing was done at Anderson, IN.
Al Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 Hi, Looks like an old Prestolite generator off a farm tractor or industrial engine. Have never seen a starter gen anything like that. Open it up and look at the field coils. If it is a starter gen, the one field coil will be wound with like # 22 wire and the series start winding will be wound with about 8 turns of copper buss about 1/16 in thick by 1/4 in. wide. Without the heavy series coil it can never develope enough torque to start anything. Al Eden
FastPaul Posted January 7, 2006 Author Posted January 7, 2006 I'll have to hook this thing up tomorow and let you guys know what is dose, You got me wondering .Thanks for all your input.
D-17_Dave Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 Paul, any gen. will turn by putting 12 volts onto the gen. lug. It'll power up like a dc motor and run. Without the over building of the components as Al and I described it won't take the amp. load or develop the tourqe and will self destruct. Just to clearify.
Ronald Hribar Posted January 8, 2006 Posted January 8, 2006 Really does not have much to lose as it was a freebie. Unless he has an application to use a generator.
ka9bxg Posted January 8, 2006 Posted January 8, 2006 Could also be a 6 volt generator.But it is not a starter generator.I have one for my Fairmont rail car(another project that does not seem to be getting done)
PatrickE Posted January 8, 2006 Posted January 8, 2006 Looks like the generator that was on my 57 Chevy in-line six.
FastPaul Posted January 8, 2006 Author Posted January 8, 2006 Yes,All you tractor heads were right,It's a 12 volt gen.Thaks again for all your input!
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