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Snowblower Hitch (Part 2)

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Made another hitch today. This one came out better than the first one. The original Simplicity pulley on the other one is 5" with 3/8" bearing. Cost for those pulleys I found on Small Engine Parts Warehouse web site to be $22.13 I found a pulley at Tractor Supply that is 4 1/2" with 5/8" bearing for $16.42. I also used 2" material instead of 1 1/2" because the place I got the metal from didn't have 3/8" thick material in 1 1/2". I welded the cross brace 1/4" lower to compensate for difference in pulley sizes. Seems to work fine. I took the time finish this one and give it a quick spray can paint job as it may be going to a new owner. If not I can use it on my AC716 and have two tractors with snowblowers ready for the snow. :D:D:D

I was thinking that this type of hitch should work with the older tractors with the center pto's by repositioning the pulley so the belt lines up. Has any one tried this? May have to try this later. Wouldn't have to worry about twisting a belt to run off the front of the engine.
Now that is a very nice professional job if I every saw one. Put stickers on it, and AC/Simplicity eat your hearts out!! Dan aka IronPony:D
I made a hitch for my 64 Landlord. But I had it mounted on a Broadmoor blower. I had to narrow it down to fit. Mine was modeled from a regular two pulley hitch. I'll try to find pictures. I recently revamped it to use on a 3310 for my buddy. I just have to get a very long belt and give it a whirl. I do like that style of hitch though. I mite have to try to make one my self. Oh BTW my hitch worked well except for the fact that the rear wheels were wider than the 32inch Blower. LOL Elon
Beautiful work. What are you cutting your steel with?
Roy, I used a chop saw with 14" blade, oxy/acetylene torch and a 4" Black and Decker grinder.
Thanks Bruce. I can see I will have to get better with my cutting torch.
Roy, The grinder does a good job of making what was cut with the torch look good.:D P.S. This hitch is sold and I have received an order for another one.8D Didn't know I was going to go into manufacturing!:D Thanks to all for the kind words and orders.
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