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new tires that are like the original tread patern

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i need to now were to get new tires that are the same tread pattern.ran out yesterday no spares left.got a strait line front tires on can't turn worth a crap.:( the yard has 3"in of mud and a slick layer of mud underneth ^.thankssssssssssssssssssss:):D8D:I:p}:);):o)B)8:(8)|)xx(:(![:0]:X^[V]??xx(xx(xx(xx(
Hey Chevy try this site they might have what your looking for ,you could also look on Ebay at Rusty Bore's tire store ,I've bought tires through there before and I just ordered some ags for the front of my B-1 on this site Good luck. http://stores.ebay.com/Rustybores-Tire-Store http://www.jackssmallengines.com/index_tires.html
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