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I have been looking around in the forums this afternoon for some info on what the proper hydraulic oil is for a Sundstrand hydro. I know that Simplicity recomends their Multy Purpose hydraulic oil. My question, is their a safe alternative? Thanks in advance,
Here's the one I found awhile back. http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&TOPIC_ID=41245&SearchTerms=sunstrand,fluid
Mike In simplicity's charts it also lists ATF to be used in them. That is what is in my tractors and what the dealer here uses. Transmission & Gearbox Lubrication Charts [url]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=22258[/url]
Trans fluid type "F" is what I used. Check the manual for my tractor. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/kismar/TP_100_3045_02_SV_S33.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/kismar/smiley_018.gif[/IMG]
Been running Mobil 1 synthetic ATF in my 98 Sovereign for the last 3 years. So far so good. Gord
Thankyou for all of the replys, think I will try multy purpose hydraulic oil that I use in my farm tractors. From what I have learned it is the same specs. as Simplicity Multy Purpose oil. Thanks again,
I find it interesting that Simplicity calls out a 25 micron filter while Sunstrand specifies a 20 micron filter.
I was reading the large frame repair manual and an AC 700 series owners manual. They also recommend Dextron.
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