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Motor Oil Types

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Here is the link to a article written about different types of motor oils. Hope you find it interesting. I still vote for synthetics to use. Maybe the club could take a vote on who uses what type of motor oil. Here is the link. http://www.informationsavvy.com/motor-oil/ More oil info: http://www.valvoline.com/synpower/articleviewer.asp?pg=ccr20011002sbinfo. More and more info; http://www.chevron.com/products/prodserv/nafl/auto/content/motoroils.shtm another link for info: http://www.havoline.com/products/na/motoroil_smo.html Another view: http://www.utextension.utk.edu/publications/spfiles/SP268-Q.pdf oil http://www.chris-longhurst.com/carbibles/engineoil_bible.html
I have worked on and raced motorcycles and cars for roughly 45 years now, a lot of that in deasert conditions. Driven untold miles in all kinds of conditions, and temps ranging from around -25, to +110. I completely understand all of the arguments for synthetics, including Marty's field test of a couple of years ago in AK. winter temps. I do not doubt the value of their composition. However, I have never had an engine failure due to oil breakdown problems. Just about everybody I know has been running syn's for years now, but I am still running dino oil in everything, cars, cycles, tractors. Just too old fashioned I guess. My stationary power plant did come with the recomendation for syn. so I am using it there. The engine is a generac, so I believe it to be a vanguard.
I wonder if using syns helps to reduce wear. Does using syns have any noticeable difference is keeping compression up as opposed to using dino oils. Is it worth the extra cost? What do you think?
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