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Rollers for a Snowblower

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Not wanting to "blow" gravel with my tractor mounted snowblower on my somewhat uneven driveway, was wondering if anyone had tried mounting a row of rollers to replace the skids mounted on each side of the blower? (rollers as are used on mower decks) Would probably want some sort of height adjustment as well. I'm running a D/A 616H with a Simplicity 36" blower I found last winter in someone's garage. Almost new condition for $150. Will appreciate any thoughts or information.
Others have reported good success using wheels on the sides of the snowthrower in place of the skids ... I even remember seeing a post showing their success. You could probably search for "snowthrower wheel" or "snowthrower roller" or snowthrower caster" to find the post. /r David in Denver
Here`s a link to another great idea. http://simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=56610&SearchTerms=shoes
Ray, didn't you post a pic and idea last year about mounting the rollers from a deck to a snow blower?? Anyone have that link handy? Randy
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