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Tractor like ATV (morepics.)

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Just happened to be in the right place at the right time.A guy I work with wanted this thing out of his gararge because it took up to much room and he said he dosen't use it anymore and asked me if I wanted it.Dumb question!sure I'll take it,What a surprize I figured it was some old junk all it needed was a battery.I never saw a quad with a PTO and a brush hog 50' blade too with a electric lift What a score I guess it was my lucky day 1988 Terrapro 350

Think you better stop be the drug store and get yourself some sleeping pills before dark Paul. You gonna need them tonight. Nice score.
you better also make sure that guy actually owned that place and that 4 wheeler. That's an awfully nice peice for free.
I'm Blown away. Paul if you don't play the lottery,you should. I could have not said it better myself " What a score"
Sure you didn't have a gun in your hand when he gave it to you? :D:D
Woo-hoo...what unbelievable luck! [:0]
It little more to the story,This guy Dave knows me well and knows my tactors to,he knows I take care good care of my stuff and I'll take good care of this toy also,Butt I'm still really surprized what a nice rig it is,I tried it out back on some thick overgrowth,the brushhog really works awsome!!
Sweeeeeeet! What are the lotto numbers for next Tues??
Man, that's a great score Paul. A few more scores like that and you'll have to change your name to "Load it up fastPaul" as in before they come to their senses.
Dang,,,,,, for free even. I have gotten some pretty good deals in my life but never one like this. How well do you now this guy? Maybe he thinks your cute;) *wink,wink* Just kidding, great score. -Paul
So how many years will you get for stealing that? LOL. Great deal. Is the wifes car in the driveway now? LOL
That mower deck will make a nice wheelie bar! Wow!
I can't believe anyone would give that away! That ought to be worth thousands! I agree with Lloyd, make sure he owned it.
Who ever gave a rig like that away needs professional help!! You must have photo documentation of him sleeping on the job or something. Good for you anyway. Clean living pays off, and I agree. If I were you I'd run out and buy a couple of lottery tickets.
That's an amazing story. How could a person ever repay someone for something like that?
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