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Chilly Snowblower 'getting Cold'

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After the wind blew for all day yesterday with a little added snow towards evening I hadda go blow the drifts off the driveway. Not much there, about a foot deep and maybe 2 feet wide, but I didn't want to pack it down and have it there til April, so, the B-112 got a taste of the cold today.:(

And bunny boots, insulated carharts, hand warmer in my mittens and the oil in the hydro lift was getting stiff.:D:D
Lookin good Marty. I take it that all went well w/ the fresh rebuild on the tractor and blower. Paul, it looks like he has a hat on but I see it was so warm he had to undo the zipper on his coat.
Holy chit! I saw a story on the History Channel about some antarctic explorers who said it would get so cold that if they breathed through their mouth, their teeth would crack! Looks like the same for you! Sheez!
Looks nice and frosty, but it also looks like you had some nice sunshine. I know you have talked about your oil tests and such, but I got to thinking after looking at this picture, what kind of grease do you use on the areas with grease fittings such as the blower bearings and spindles on the tractor. It would seem that the regular grease we would use would turn stiff as Gorrilla Glue. If you want that endorsement check from Carhart, you have to aim the camera a little lower to get their full logo in there :D}:):p I can just see Marty's future posts. Yeah, my Amsoil, Carhart, Carlisle, Die Hard Battery, Allis ran real good today. We were able to keep ahead of the competition. Oops.. guess it's getting close to NASCAR season again and the mind is starting to wander..:I8D:D:)
The B-112 and blower look good, How hard is it to get started in that weather. Even though it's in side??
Sure can't brag about the traction I had today, maybe its the cold dry snow pack but I was real lucky to be on a FDT just getting around the driveway. have 68lbs wt on each wheel plus the rear counter balance. Gonna have to put the 8.50's with chains on for the rest of the winter, just in case it really snows. For gun grease I use syn., Ams if I remember to get it when down anchorage way otherwise NAPA carries Valoline. That new briggs is like having a 16hp engine in there. Makes me wonder how much I was still getting outta the ole oil burner. Hit one area where it was drifted about a foot deep and full width, that opened up the governor. Starts just like summer, it's at least 60 in the shop : ) Was looking for some Alaska size sun dogs since it was so nice out today but didn't see any.
Nice pics, MPH just curious do you know if the Bunny Boots are warmer than the Muchluck {spelling} boots ? thnx
-30 that has to take all the fun out of it!!
;)Your a far, far better man than I, Gunga Din. Great pics Marty, but then they always are. ;)Between you and The King of Obsolete, I'm thinking Florida here:D!!
I don't want those temperatures, but would like to at least get to try my snowblower out on some snow. I finished it during a snow and did just enough to see that it did work. I didn't have chains or weights ready at that time. Now I have had it ready for two years and haven't had a snow big enough to even give it a workout.
Originally posted by JoeJ
;)Your a far, far better man than I, Gunga Din. Great pics Marty, but then they always are. ;)Between you and The King of Obsolete, I'm thinking Florida here:D!!
Hey Joe, Don't you think KOO would fit in good around this place...Maybe get him an FDT on cat tracks...:D Thansk....:D
Ronald Hribar
Would the added power have anything to do with your loss of traction?
Bunny boots are for extreme cold weather while muckalucks (sp) are just cold weather. Marty, I think you need to explain what a "sundog is" to some of those in more moderate climates. Dan aka IronPony in NE
That -30 looks very cold;) Thw temperature in Fenwick,Ontario,Canada was 39 degrees F today and we have no snow too try my tractors in. Was in the my shop today foe a few hours working my AC HB-112 tractor. Karl [url]www.simplicityva.com[/url]
Cooled off a bit overnite

Was hoping to have some nice sundogs out with the temp being down there as it is. I may be wrong on explaining sundogs, but I think they are caused by the ice crystals in the cold air appearing like rainbows on each side of the sun. Sometimes up here they get really big. Will keep trying to get a pic as it's suppose to be cool all week.
If that's "cool" what temp do you consider cold enough to freeze the nuts off a plow?
Thatll 'freeze the balls off a brass monkey' ....Ive always said "its better to be sunny and cold than cloudy and warmer'...ill take the cloudy and a bit warmer... :-)
At fifty below I'm calling the boss and tell him I will see him tomorrow. Then make mad dash for barn to play tractors all day.
My grandpa was stationed in the Yukon about 1942-43, When I was a little kid he'd tell me that it gets so cold there that even the women up there would grow beards. Looking at you temp gage, now I tend to believe him.:D -Paul
Where I'm at it can get real cold also...but that's so cold even your thoughts would freeze.
"If that's "cool" what temp do you consider cold enough to freeze the nuts off a plow?" Anything below -50 makes the cold book, as it's -50 already tonight think it might be cold in the morning, that's OK, the shop is warm^ " even your thoughts would freeze." that why I don't bother having any of them things :D:D
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