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COULD I USE JOHN DEERE low viscosity hyguard!

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in my 919 allis?? with out hurting anything??:D
Would be criminal to contaminate an Allis with JD fluid. ;) Seriously, I would be afraid of low viscosity fluid. Think I would stick to fluids recommended by Allis & Simplicity. My opinion,
I think type F at walmart is only a $1.30 a quart. I would also stick with what is recommended for it. Also either use a Simplicity filter or a good quality aftermarket filter like NAPA, Wix or Baldwin. I think that the NAPA number that I have on my 917H is 1068 filter. Don`t mess with a Fram filter on these hydro units.
http://simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=58158 All of the info you need is on the lube chart in this post....
If you use JD oil it might want to run off and hide in the grass.
You can use the Lo Vis Hy Gard - it is used in the John Deere 300 series tractors like the 316 which has basically the same hydro as a 919. It is probably a better oil than auto trans fluid. The Lo Vis will let the hydro and hydraulic lifts respond better in tractors used in cold weather. By the way, I think that Valvoline makes the oils for John Deere. Tim
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