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Anything else I should do ?

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I cleaned the contacts.....from the looks of it is there anything else I should do? Thnx trying to fix stalling problem. [img]/club2/attach/boney/P1270049.JPG[/img] Darn dont know why I can post the pic :(
If you have spark,i guess the next step would be the fuel system,i always start at the tank,replace the line and filter-no point in cleaning and adjusting the carb if the those are not new.
Mick14-it starts good and runs fine till it gets warm then it dies untill it cools off. I am trying to look at all things before I look at what is at the other end of the spark plug. At that point I will be posting another pic I am sure, as I have no idea what I am doing, but I guess that is why this is a hobby and not a living for me. It is starting to get tireing though.
Try Amblers sugestion ,remove the heat shields from the motor,clean out what ever you find,it could be overheating..keep track of each bolt and where it came from--especially the head bolts..let us know what you find.
Do I need to take the motor off the tractor to do this ? Have never done this. Thnx for the help
No,just take off the sheet metal from the top of the engine that cover the cooling fins,and clean off anything thats under there ,could be mice have been camping out in there or just old grass and dirt.air from the fan on the flywheel gets channels under that sheet metal to cool the engine and it maybe your problem is overheating.
I would try replacing the condenser. If they get hot they and short out and the engine will die. Cools off will run fine till warm again.
If you can get it to run. Let it run till it quits and check for spark . No spark then change the condenser.
Looks like a model 19 engine Problem is the coil,they go bad after all these years.The engine will fire up fine work for quite a while then start missing(like starving for fuel) then will only idle. The coil gets hot and starts to open.It will still have spark and with a tester it looks good but it still is a coil problem. I have a whole pile of them here that are bad.There are a lot of after market suppliers for them and a lot cheaper than from briggs.They are all from Mexico anyway.Bob
A long shot, but check the vent on the fuel cap.
I tried to find info about the model 19D motor coil but was not able to. Are all coils the same? Looked in my " Large Frame" manual but could not find info one this. Will try the Library thnx for all the help.
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