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Part it out or keep it as one!! ??

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Picked this up a couple of weeks ago...Turned out that it did have the motor on it (initially was told there wasnt one on it) Seems to run ok, may need to have some minor motor work done...Hydrolift and hydro trans work fine...Nice shiny hub caps...Nice wide wheels...Came with deck AND snowblower...What do you guys think, do i part it out and use the motor on one of my 900s that is with out one? Then part out the rest of it?? HELP [img][img]/club2/attach/ac808/~ce521.jpg[/img]
Is that a Gilson? Looks to have alot of good parts. I like the belt guard on the starter/generator. Is it a 16hp Briggs? If thats a Gilson they are pretty tuff tractors but hard to work on and parts may be hard to come by. The old factory is right down the road from me but I don't see to many around.
Im sorry..i shouldve stated that its a Gilson.. Its a 14 hp Briggs...I do like belt guard also...Another reason to part it out...that would look good yellow or orange...!
looks like a cross-breed to me. Colors all wrong
14 & 16HP Briggs has same bore and stroke if that helps you. How is the hydraulics run?
IMO, it is too good of shape to part out -- if the engine and tranny are good. I parted out a 15HP Gilson hydro like that because the hydro tranny was bad. The hydraulic lift runs off the tranny pump (a Vickers) -- the tranny in mine was a sealed unit, with no way to even add fluid to it... They are made very heavy-duty, but some of the strangest and most complicated engineering I've ever seen ... It seems they always use a complicated method of doing anything, even holding the hood down... Oil pan is a part of the front frame, etc.
I'd say part it out, only because I want those hub-caps.:D -Paul
I'm with Kent. Looks too nice to part out, may be worth more whole, with deck and blower.
I wouldn't part it unless I knew I could get rid of everything I didn't need. Looks awfully good to be parted out.
If you part it out the only parts that will really sell would be the engine and possibly the hydraulic lift valve and cylinder. The sheetmetal and tranny don't sell. I parted one out like that and most of it ended up going to the scrap yard. The deck and blower are particular to it and not in that much of a demand since there aren't alot of those tractors around. I think it's worth more as a running/driving unit with mower and snowblower than parting out.
Oh, if you do decide to pull the engine to put in your simplicity unbolt the engine from the oil pan. The oil pan has the mount for the front axle built into the bottom of it. You'll need an oil pan from a simplicity to bolt to the engine block. How much for the tractor without the engine if it doesn't get boogered up removing it?
I sent you a PM Lloyd...I wont mess this one up!
Jay - Keep it. If you have to sell it sell it whole with attachments. I have one of its siblings down here with a junk engine. If there is something to help keep yours alive I may have it. I hate to anything pass before its time. Yours looks real good and should be around a 1970-
I'd Keep it in one piece - it'd make a nice backup mower / blower.
I thought about the back up idea....but i have 3 backups now..LOL...
Keep it,Jay,maybe trade it for what you need.I've heard Gilson was bought by Lawn Boy,who was bought by Toro.Some parts may still be available. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GilsonCollectors/ There's a great group of people here who might have an interest.
Originally posted by AC808
I thought about the back up idea....but i have 3 backups now..LOL...
Only 3 ??? Cant remember when I had that many ;):D:D (brought #31 home tonight but its a Sears -SSHHHH!) Seriously though Jay, I owe you big for that seat so let me know if you need something for it -
I'd like to say part it out because it is a Gilson but really can't as I have a complete running one myself that only needs the fan {Hey Kent, still got the one you parted out?} for the hydro because I robbed it for a 16hp that was a nicer tractor, which I traded for mail check services 4 years ago. As a complete tractor, it is good for trading stock, well built, just over engineered. I find it tough to part out a complete tractor, guess it's part of my disease. :D Looks a lot like the '71 Wards/Gilson I have.
Jay you got your engine. Maybe parting it out will pay for that. Then your engine is free so to speak. Haven't forgot a brat day.
Thanks guys...Sounds kinda like what i was thinking...Use is as trade bait! Although i really want to put the motor on something else...
Still get e-mails from a Gilson club I once partook in, just had an invite to a chat so I cut the address off the top of the 'puter. Hope it works if you try it, might find a sucker willing to make it worth your while to unload it as is. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/alltypesofgardentractors/
Hello, I parted one out I picked up for $25. The hydro pump brought in over $200 alone.
what is a gilson mower never heard of it . what year and model was tractor made ? seems to have several attachments .seems to be in nice shape ? why do you need to part tractor out ? i say keep it for the kids to play with debshirl
I don't know what you paid for it, or what it would cost to put it in good running order. But would think you could sell it running for more that parting it out. One sale and you're done with it. Then take the money and buy yourself a 16 or 18 HP motor with the money. I allway hate to see an old tractor thats running and complete junked.
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