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The B-1 is all done!!(Snow Ready)

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Got the wiring and fuel lines on today I stole the muffler of the Landlord,The new one hasen't showed up yet,She fired right up, Sounds very nice with that muffler,Put some more chrome trim on the seat pan. I,ll have to get after the plow blade soon,that should be a breeze compared to the tractor.

Homelite done B-1 Done The 101 Landlord will be next

Got the blade and counter weight done ready for snow, If we ever get any! A couple of last pics, before you guy'a get sick of me !lol

Nice job Paul, and Thanks for keeping us posted from start to finish.Richard
Fast and super clean job on that tractor. Thanks for the great pictures and inspiration. JH
Looks mighty fine Paul. Did you have the chrome on the hood in the last pictures? I didn't notice it. Looks good up front. Might have to copy that idea sometime.
That turned out great FastPaul How much do you think it cost total was
How do you keep the paint on the nuts and bolts when you go to tighten them.You must have a good method, the paint on mine seems to come off as soon as you put a wrench to them.
After all that work it would be a shame to get it dirty. Nice looking tractor....!!
Thanks for all the complements guy's It's really nice to hear, It makes it all worth it, Plus I have a really awsome vintage tactor now that I'm done ! Marty I put the chrome trim on the seat pan first then the hood then more on the seat pan ,It really dressed it up nice ,Only for about 10 bucks.For the rest of the cost Todd, with out going into detail I figured about 800 that included the 190 I paid for the tractor,Worth every penny to me.I kinda wonder what it would be worth now,And NO It's not for sale, It's priceless to me.Jeff I diden't have much trouble with the paint coming of the nut & bolts a little touch up here and there ,I'm gona get the plow done by wen. cause Michelle makin me go to Fla. Fri. just the two of us,She said this is the only way to get me out of the gararge so she dosen't have to share me with the tractors.But don't worry (I'll Be Back)Pretty soon they'll be orange paint in the air!!! Later Dudes!
Have a good trip to the sunshine Paul. Make sure Michelle enjoys the break from being a tractor widow.}:):D:D
It looks Mighty Fine:D Great work there Paul
"The B-1 is all done!!(Snow Ready)" I ordinarily wouldn't be so bold as to attempt to correct someone else's spelling. However, in this case I feel the need. Shouldn't that read. "SHOW READY"? ;):D:D:D:D:D:D;)
Try to buy a decent tractor these days for $800 and see what you get. it sure wont last another 20 years!!!!!!
;)Yup, looks to nice to use!!! :DYou better get another tractor fast that you can use for snow removal:D:D.
Nice Job Paul. Beautiful machine. Maybe I'll have to start driving thru Groton on my lunch hour. : ) (I work in Westford).
That'll look good at Spring Fling.
Hi Paul, Beautiful restoration Job! I can almost smell the "new". I need one or two more pictures of you little beauty there. Can you please do a close up of the mechanism that raises the pin to allow you to swing the blade? I have the same plow on a Landlord and I want to make a cable operated pin puller but I hate to re-invent the wheel. Jim.
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