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landlord 3310v 1971 carb trouble

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I am still having trouble trying to get my carb, governor linkages straightened out. I am dealing with a 10 HP briggs that has been apart and reassembled wrong. I just bought the throtle link that connects the governor arm to the throtle shaft, between the back of the carb and the block. I know now that I am missing at least one of the two springs that go from the governor arm to the "lever" that is mounted to the side of the block that the throtle cable connects to. The problem is that the tractor had a piece of linkage that is not shown in the briggs manual. It was going to the back of the carb, ( where the new throtle link should go). If the new throtle link goes there how can they both hook up to the same spot? The book doesn't show a back view of the carb where everything is connected. A digital photo of the correct assy would be priceless. I will also be after decals soon if they are available anywhere? Thanks again Chris
I think you just answered your own ?? The linkage you just bought that goes from the govenor arm to the back of the carb is the only thing supposed to be there. If something else is there it doesn't belong. As you said it had been messed with before you got it so I'd remove the "other" linkage and replace it with the new rod hooked up as the manual shows. Keep in mind that there may be something wrong with the govn. and that's why it has been altered. I'd readjust everyuthing as the manual describes and when you start the engine for the first time keep your fingers on the throttle so it doesn't have a chance to run away till you see the govn. control it.
Hi, here is a photo of a 12hp that seems to work correctly. Hope it helps, it's a bit blurry.

Thank you both for the response. Tomorow morning I will get back into the garage and get it sorted out.
I couldn't wait until morning. The new throtle link was the solution. I think just to play it safe, I am going to order new gov springs. I have no way of knowing if the ones on it are correct. I just got my first reaming due to my new toy. I guess the exhaust was more than I realized. Oh ya, we just had our first child I Sept. and the garage I under the house. You can fill in the blanks. Am I going to have to try to salvage the decals existing on the tractor? The "dashboard" is also cracked? I don't want to get anxious and destroy anything I might need. Thanks again for the advice Chris
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