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fuel system question


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my 725 has a glass "sediment" bowl just below the gas tank,i've seen these before but never owned one,it looks like it should be removable for cleaning,but it won't budge and i really don't want to break it,i sprayed it with "blaster" ,figuring that if it does get clogged up it won't matter how new the inline filter is. Is this removable ? thanks
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Yes, the sediment bowls are just threaded into the tank as any fuel fitting would be. Some have a hex at the top where you can get a wrench on them. You may be able to clean it without removing it. The glass bowl comes off very easily, just remove the little metal strap holding the glass to the upper casting and it should come off, may require a light tap with a piece of wood or something if the bowl is stuck the the gasket.
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It comes off for cleaning. There is a gasket and screen in there. you can buy them new also. Seen them on Ebay pretty cheap,Matt
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Look at the bottom of the glss bowl. There will be a thumb screw lossen it up Then lift and twist the metal bracket out of the way.The glass will come off sometimes it takes a little bit of twisting to get it loose.You will likly need to buy a new gasket or just take it out completly an use the inline filter only.
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