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B-112 Log Skidder

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I'm hauling our pine tree away in 3ft. pieces. My big tractor would tear up the lawn dragging the logs, so the B-112 got the call. Hooked to a junk car hood it does a fine job. My 12 year old grand daughter took the picture. Jim [img]/club2/attach/jimdk/B112LogSkidder004.jpg[/img]
It's good to see an allis at work. NICE!!!!
Looks like it is doing a very good job.You are giving the tractor a workout.
3 ft pieces = a lot of tractor time:D Good thinking!8D
Thanks to whoever fixed my picture. Yes, the B-112 does a nice job. That is an easy way to move heavy pieces. I also move large rocks that way. Roll them on and roll them off. The load does not push the tractor if I need to go down hill. Also, it is a lot easier to get on and off a lawn tractor when your legs are 67 years old.
Looks like your having a great time.
Nice looking tractor and one happy owner 8D8D8D,Matt
I grew up using horses to do the plowing, so the use of a sled is also something I would think of. Built a few myself from time to time. I say, if it makes it easier on the operator, then do it.
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