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Briggs type decoder

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Where can I find the Briggs type decoder. I have the model and code figured out but can't find a decoder for the type. All I can find is that it identifies certian features, DUH thanks Steve
That's a mystery. It identifies a specific crankshaft, and other things peculiar to a specific engine, right down to the color. When I was a Briggs dealer, I asked several reps how to decode the type number. All of them told me the same thing. They didn't know and had no idea where information could be found to decode it. Sort of a "Briggs secret". Pat
[url]http://www.briggsandstratton.com/display/router.asp?DocID=65324[/url] I guess they are still keeping the type a secret!
There is no rhyme or reason to which the engine types are assigned. That just indicates a certain bill of material for a paticular engine and numbers are assigned in numerical order. Type 0110 might be for a lawn mower and 0111 might be for a generator. In fact you can see a type number of "0110" on several different models. I knew the woman ( Mary J.) who the responsiblity of assigning the numbers as she worked for the company I do now.. It was also the build list for the manufacturing side and Mary would call me from time to time what the sales force sold and manufacturing couldn't build as the parts wouldn't fit. Call for that same model and type number and manufacturing would build it the same way. Prior to that system idendtifying parts was real pain in the butt. Pat hit it right on the head. Kohler at least gives you an idea to who they sold certain spec numbers, which by the way is no different then the Briggs type number or Tecumseh spec number. At least Tecumseh would once a year send out an annnual report to what OEM they have sent engines of what model and spec and what they were similar to. Briggs offered that service but in a different fashion and was slower then Tecumseh. There is no secret to the type number coding because it doesn't mean anything other then a parts identifier and speed setting if you have the complete set of sales books for replacement engines. I have a set on micrifiche but getting those read is getting harder as readers are becomming obsolete.
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