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Plug Airator Suggestions?

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I would like to get a plug Airator, from those that have used them , any suggestions? Thnx for any help
yeah, make sure neither you nor your neighbors have an electronic dog fence buried on or near your property line. The tines will pierce the wire! :D
These are good units. The heavier the better. The one that I was looking at was around $500.00 at the time. http://www.turf-aire.com/
My son and son inlaw share an Argri-Fab unit and they have had sucess.
Drug this section of a rotary hoe out of the woods at home several years ago and put a hitch on it.Have also used it for reseeding by going over the same area several times.

I have a agi-fab one and it does a great job, however you have to run it several times to really get the effect it should give..I think it would be better it it had more tines/plugs.. My own experience is to just rent one..Seems that it only gets used 1-2 times a year and it just takes up storage space the rest of the time..If you have lots of room then that wouldn't be a issue..Also if you have a smaller yard I would rent one of the commercial powered ones as they really plug alot of hole in one pass..I can't do that for my 2 acers and my inlaws 3 acers that I take care of..
Originally posted by RayS
These are good units. The heavier the better. The one that I was looking at was around $500.00 at the time. http://www.turf-aire.com/
Thanks Ray. I just wanted to say the Rental/Residential Model is actually $599, but we do have TOW and 3 pt hitch models as well. I am only replying to Ray's post since he is moderator and mentioned the item I am replying to, unless he gives permission to answer any other questions. Since he is moderator he can decide to delete this post if it violates the TOS. We are not a paying sponsor, and I do not wish to hijack this thread, so please do not post any questions for me regarding our products unless Ray posts permission for me to answer.
Originally posted by turfaire
I am only replying to Ray's post since he is moderator and mentioned the item I am replying to, unless he gives permission to answer any other questions. Since he is moderator he can decide to delete this post if it violates the TOS. We are not a paying sponsor, and I do not wish to hijack this thread, so please do not post any questions for me regarding our products unless Ray posts permission for me to answer.
I cant speak for the "Powers That Be" but I wouldn't think that anyone here would have a problem with you answering questions on any of your products. We are all here to have fun, share ideas, and info. Please take some time and brows the site, you mite even decide to become a member and even a sponsor.:D I think you'll like what you see here. Welcome to the club. Elon
Originally posted by ehertzfeld I cant speak for the "Powers That Be" but I wouldn't think that anyone here would have a problem with you answering questions on any of your products. We are all here to have fun, share ideas, and info. Please take some time and brows the site, you mite even decide to become a member and even a sponsor.:D I think you'll like what you see here. Welcome to the club. Elon
Dealers are certainly not prohibited -- both Al and Sandy Lake are on the site fairly regularly. We'd appreciate his input. We just ask that they don't use this venue to give continuous sales pitches....
I noticed that someone had plans on ebay for a lawn aerator. The picture gives a decent idea of what the unit might look like. I believe there are a few websites with plans for building some pretty heavy ones, using water pipe and automobile rims.
I certainly have no problems with anyone answering anybodys questions here. A few years ago when I was playing around with the idea to start up a lawn care service I was looking at areators.
Well I do appreciate the friendliness on this board. I will always be willing to answer general questions, or you may e-mail Eldon at ebishop@turf-aire.com with technical questions such as weight compared to tractor size for and example. Good bunch of people here.
Here's one I like!! http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=57182
Hey dad707, looks like we are neighbors. I am right outside of Murfreesboro.
Welcome to the club. I am in the upper corner, almost North Carolina and almost Virginia....
I was a member of the Iowa Sports Turf Managers Assotiation and turf areation was always a big topic. It was always a rule of thumb to have at least 30 to 40 holes per square foot of area. That sounds like a lot of holes, and it is, but nessary to do a proper job of areation. I figured that when you think you have completly ruined your lawn you have it about right. Early spring and mid fall is the best time to areate. Don't do it when it is hot and dry as dammage is very possiable unless you have irragation. After areation, or even before, put down your fertilizer and grass seed if desired. Wait long enough after you areate that the plugs will crumble. Use a piece of chain link fence and drag the lawn until the plugs are broken up and the holes are filled back in. This will bury the seed and fertlizer and optimize growing conditions. If you areate on a regular basis you will never need to worry about thatch. On a football field we always tried to get 1/2 to 3/4 inch thatch. Thatch is a good thing and 99% of us don't need to worry about it. Ken
THANKS all for the great info. p.s Kenh, If you have any intenet sites that are good for the lawn/turf newbie could you please list them. This lawn/turf stuff is all new to me. Thnx
Here are a couple of websites that I use all the time. On the Iowa turfgrass site use the links button to find just about whatever you want. The Purdue site is a wealth of very practial info on grass and related stuff . You can sign up on the Purdue site to have new information e-mailed to you when it is avaiable. It seems that it has something just about every week during the growing season. Let me know what you think. Ken http://www.agry.purdue.edu/turf/tips/index.html http://www.iowaturfgrass.org/links/linkshome.htm
I forgot to say that in the Purdue site don't be afrade to look at the "Professional" tips. It will help you if you feel you need sombody with more experiance than you have. PM me if you have any spefic questions that might take up to much room here. "the grass is always greener on MY side of the fence!"
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