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Snow cab Identification

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Well, the snow cab was one of my first "fever" purchases but I never did get the chance to assemble it and test it out. In part because the guy I bought it from on e-bay sent half of it and waited over a month to send me the remaining half. Also in part because I just did not have the space to assemble it in the warmth of my home. In part because of the time my offspring require to remain happy. And in part because of my wife. More recently, I traded the used Kohler out of my 912 for the parts to another snow cab. It looks like all the parts are there, but I am not certain. And frankly, I am not certain that either one is the right one for my 7016 (which will be my "winter" tractor). I bought the first one spontaneously without doing the necessary research and the second one fell in my lap. Here is my question: How do I identify these. Is there a tag or part number on them somewhere? I have searched the archives and both my cabs look substantially like most of the others out there with the white fiberglass tops, orange vinyl and gray frames. If no ID number, is there a "tell-tale" part of the frame that I can take a picture of to help - er, i mean, ask y'all to help with? Perhaps a cross-brace or something. From what I can tell in the archives, it looks like the bracket that mounts near the steering wheel appears to be the tell-tale piece. I am hoping that they are the same and that I can make one good one out of the two. Thanks in advance....and gosh, it sure will be nice to assemble it in the warm grass than to mess with it in the frigid cold! 8D
The most unique thing about them that I've seen is the horizontal frame piece that goes from one side to the other, just above the dashboard and steering wheel. It attaches to each upright (in front of the doors), mounts to the dash or hood, will also show at least an opening to use the lift lever. These are shaped differently because of the different dashboards in the tractors... Still no guarantee that we can identify it from that piece, just that those I know are different...
Thanks Kent....I will take some snap shots tonight.
OK, below are the pictures. Gosh the camera sure makes these things better than they are. Theoretically, there should be enough parts to build 2 cabs, but I just want to make one good one. I am pretty sure that these will fit my 7016 but if anyone is able to tell just by looking at the pictures I would be most appreciative. After looking at the manuals, I am pretty sure these are both the 1693269 model because of the bracing by the steering column.

Thanks in advance, Erik
No one can ever say I am not an effective multi-tasker. I sat outside this weekend and disassembled all the framework for the snowcabs while supervising my boys playing on the swingset. Not the "ideal" tractor time, but hey, you take what you can get. Anyway, it does in fact look like I have two of everything....though it sure looks like at least on of the previous owners had a welding fettish. :D Questions: a few weeks ago I read that someone was looking for a "cigarette lighter attachment". If you look at the pictures, one of the frames has the cigarette lighter adapter taped to the framework. I am thinking that the previous owner must have had some lights or a heater or something working off of the cigarette lighter. Does someone have a picture of where the cigarette lighter fits on a 7000 series if they truly exist? How hard are they to come by? Is this the best way to power auxilliary units or is it better to go directly off of the generator or battery. Maynard, how do you power the lights on top of your cab? Or, if you look at the last picture, maybe there is a way to tap into the mystery plug on the side of my tractor. Thanks in advance, Erik

Oh, and I almost forgot.....electrolysis tank, here come some parts! Woohooo, that tank has sat idle for at least a month.
The cab you have was intended for the 3300, 3400, 7000 and early 7100 series with manual lift as indicated by the off set in the lower windshield bar and the opening slit on the left side for the lift lever. The later 7100 and sovereign had a straight lower windshield bar and no opening on left side for lift lever as it they hydro lift. My cab is the 7000 series cab I had on my 7016. You can see the off set cross bar at bottom of Windshield. It also has the straight bar (can not be seen)under the windshield. It was needed to install the hard windshield. I left the off set bar as it was where the switch panel was installed. For my lights I ran a hot wire from the positive terminal on my starter with an in-line blade fuse to the 4 gang lighted rocker switch panel. Switch 1 Cab lights. Switch 2 Rotating orange warning light. Switch 3 Cab heater and defroster. Switch 4 Windshield wiper.

That is one sweet set up you've got there! Look at me, I have only mowed the lawn once and already I can not wait for winter to try out this snow cab toy! Ashamed I say! [:0]
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