MPH Posted April 25, 2006 Posted April 25, 2006 Found one of the front mounted brush hogs for the B series tractors after work tonight. Looks to be in good shape but has no drive settup, will the drive pullleys and clutch from a snowblower work on these??? Same guy has a heavy duty, adjust from the seat front blade. Plan is for both to be in the PT after work wen or thur. thanks for any info. Got my new toys unloaded today. Only thing I see wrong with the blade is a bent skid and missing catch release handle, not much sign of a lot of use. Since these are not listed in my B-series manual under attachments I'm now wondering, did Simplicity make these or were they made by someone else and painted orange? Anyone know any history on them? like when made? Thanks again for the input on getting power to it.
SmilinSam Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 I have a red one here that is in the same predicament. Curious to see pictures of yours when you get it to see of its the same thing we have here. The one we have has a tag that says it was made in Colfax Illinois or something like that.
UCD Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 Marty They are basicly the same hitch same. The same type hitch is used as on a single belt blower but there are couple modifications to the weed Cutter hitch. About 1 year ago there was a post on this. If I remember right the pulley on the right side (as seen from the tractor seat) needs to be changed to a V idler pulley part# 101096. the angle of one of the pulleys has to be adjusted. Nothing major though. This is the parts diagram for the Weed Cutter hitch Part# P and Part# Z are the same 101096 V idler pulleys This is the Weed Cutter hitch assembled. Notice the pulleys, they are both V idler pulleys (the snow blower hitch uses one V idler pulley and one flat idler pulley This is the snowblower hitch, the pulley on the left in diagram is a flat idler pulley This is the snowblower parts diagram. Part# P 10671 is a flat idler pulley. Part# Y 101096 is a V idler the same used for both pulleys on the Weed Cutter hitch.
SmilinSam Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 Guess I should clarify that the mowers I have are not the 4 blade Simplicity one. mine are 1 blade. I Dont know which Marty is talking about.
ehertzfeld Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 Marty, if this is the one your getting, here are a few pictures of the one that has taken temporary residence here:D [img]/club2/attach/ehertzfeld/weedcuter.jpg[/img] [img]/club2/attach/ehertzfeld/weedcuter1.jpg[/img] [img]/club2/attach/ehertzfeld/weedcuter2.jpg[/img] [img]/club2/attach/ehertzfeld/weedcuter3.jpg[/img] If you are getting one like Sam, well good luck on that! :o) Elon
MPH Posted April 27, 2006 Author Posted April 27, 2006 Thanks guys. Good to see the snowblower hitch will work, happen to have a couple of them around :D. Got 'em loaded up yesterday :D If this thing has run much it was some nice cutting, aside for some rust the blades look new and are nice and sharp. Got a pic of it and the blade loaded in the back of the PT. The ole boy was funny, hadda cut a piece of carpet to lay in the back before we could load, I had a blanket in there as I been hauling tools in it since I came too work. When I asked him what he wantted he said make an offer,,, 'bout 50 bucks? for each? yea, guess I could go for each. }:)}:),,,,,hmmm, maybe that's why I didn't sleep good last night, maybe I'll have to go back with the pick-up and give him a grand for the late model 9020 with deck, sickle and front blade, 3 pt hitch and rear pto, even if it is a pile of parts. Love it when the snow melts and I start watching blue tarps melt out from under it all:D
Roy Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 Marty, Hope you can sleep tonight after taking advantage of the old fellow.
thedaddycat Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 Marty, good to see you scored one of those. They're not too common even down here so to get one up there must be like finding hen's teeth... I did a post on this a while back, lots of pics and stuff. The left pulley has to be angled outwards some due to the fact that the blower pulley aligns in a vertical plane while the Weed & Brush Cutter pulley aligns in a horizontal plane. Nice score!!
lndscpr Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 What type of performance do you guys get from these weedcutters???? I was kind of wanting one but i have been using the johnnybucekt raised slightly off the ground. It rips the wild roses and small saplings out of the ground by the root. Works perfectly. I guess if i could find a deal like marty's i would go for it!!!!! I guess if it is like most simplicity attachments it works amazingly well.
KenK Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 I was thinking that the hitch was a little different on the angles of where the pulleys mount to.All you would have to do is heat and bend them a little.Try it and see how it works first.
Sandy_Lake_Imp Posted April 30, 2006 Posted April 30, 2006 And there is still orange paint on the blades!! Some people have all the luck ^ ^ Brenda
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