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deck spindel bearings

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I replaced the spindel bearings in the mower deck of my JD 214 but can't figure how to get the center pulley that powers the two spindels off. any one?
The JD shop is on the other side of town.
Originally posted by UCD
The JD shop is on the other side of town.
Funny, close'est JD dealer I have is the next county.[:0]:D:o)
Hi, I believe the pulley is pressed into a bored out boss in the deck and is held in with a roll pin. I haven't done one for a number of years, but that is how I remember it. As I remember it once the roll pin is out you have to take a punch and drive the shaft out. Once they are out, the bearing is a long sleave with the shaft in it. You need to support the heb on the pulley and press out the bearing. To reinstall it take a punch and center on the shaft and drive the shaft into the deck and put the roll pin back in. Do not drive on the pulley hub or you will damage the ball bearings. As I remember them, the bearings look like a shaft and a sleeve with the bearings inside and the shaft sticking out one end the shaft being about 5/8" and the outside of the bearing about 1". Sometimes they need some heat to come out, but usually a good punch and a heave hammer will do it. Good luck, Al Eden
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