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Got this today!

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I won this on Ebay last week but couldn't pick it up till this week. Well it's not as great as I thought, but for what I paid for it, I'll live. I don't think it's quite right. The simplicity cultivator I have seen are bigger, but the old disk harrow uses a set up like this. I'm wondering if some one switch the disks for cultivators. It only came with three, so I'll be looking for some more. If any one has some please let me know. Does the hitch look original? It kind looks like someone broke the original and made a replacement. I'm going to fix it up and make a sleeve hitch for it. [img]/club2/attach/ehertzfeld/cult.jpg[/img] [img]/club2/attach/ehertzfeld/cult1.jpg[/img]

Interesting. How much was it on ebay? Dan aka IronPony
I can not answer the question under ground that may incriminate me:D:D:D:D Let's just say it was it was about the price of 8 DunkinDonuts coffees!:D:D:D Elon
Elon, I don't think that hitch is original, at least not compared to the cultivator I have. (990398 and 990408) I may have some extra narrow teeth, I'll check this weekend and let you know. Mike
I also have plenty of the narrow teeth if you need any. Benjamin
As usual, I was wrong. I have a few extra sweeps, no narrow teeth. Mike
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