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First post after lurking for quite awhile and finally registering. Paying my dues this week!:) I have a Allis Chalmers 611 LTD, my question is this. Is there anyway to tell the exact year of the tractor from the numbers?? They are 1690462 003156. If I am reading correctly it is somewhere between a 1979 and 1983??? Also, does anyone know what the color scheme of this tractor is? It is entirely orange (looks to have been repainted or touched up at least over the years) but after looking at some pics here Im not sure if the hood is suppossed to be orange or white?? Just wanted to add. Great site, Im learning a lot, and I cant wait to get to know everyone. Hopefully attend some of these gatherings.They look like a blast!!:) PS I live 16 miles northeast of Portland In.
The best way to tell the age of a Simpliciy tractor is to go by the date code on the engine.
Welcome to the best tractor website ever! Yea it looks to be around a 1979 from what I can see. Tractor should be all orange except for a white & black decal along the side of the hood. If you search there's lots of info on the correct color orange paint. Best of luck with your tractor...
Ray, Im told the engine was replaced about 2 years ago. It definetley looks like a newer engine to me. Its a BS 12hp. Wishin, THANKS! Then the paint is correct thats on it! Thats EXACTLY what it has on it now. Its in real nice shape, (needs a repaint, kinda faded and mismatched here and there) and looks to have always been garaged and serviced. Im the 3rd owner, I bought it from a dealer friend of mine that took it on trade, he got it from the original owner who he knew personally and did all the service on the tractor since new. Im currently bidding on a AC 410 that looks to be pretty straight and real close by. Any idea on worth of this dude?? $100 good?? Im gonna REALLY like chatting with you folks!!8D
Blu, In my opinion, any large frame tractor, that is complete, with good sheetmetal, even with a blown engine, is worth $150.
THANKS!! I think thats actually a pretty good gauge to go on myself. Im just gettin started in this kinda stuff and Im disabled due to severe arthritis and other things, and have to take things pretty slow (Im definetly learning patience LOL) and dont get in any big hurry to get things done anymore. Plus Im pretty limited $$ wise so if I cant get something ata decent price I just wait till I can. Im really looking forward to having a project of sorts thats a little more than my 611 will be but nothing really major just yet. You know,Kinda see how Im capable of doing things physically.Just thought this might be a good hobby to keep me outta trouble and keep me occupied.
Blu, Welcome to the sight. I have severe osteo arthritis in my spine along with a number of other spine related problems so I can sympathize with you whole heartedly. This is a great hobby as long as you have the time and patience. We welcome you into the club and hope you enjoy it as much as most of us do.
WOW Sean, and Thanks! I seem to have found a brother here!!8D And I see you're in Muncie, again WOW!! It IS a small world and Im VERY familiar with Muncie! VERY cool!!8D Ive been looking for a hobby that is something I enjoy, can take my time as I need AND is as expensive/inexpensive as I want it to be. This seems to fit that bill rather nicely.:) Im SURE Ive found the right site,(You folks are GREAT!) and already am having fun:)
Sean, just wanted to also mention that I read and saw your "8 day tractor" post. MAN!! You are the master of the spray can if thats what you used WOW!! VERY nice job!!
Welcome to the club. JH
Blu......waited for a nice day and shot the paint out doors. I wasnt as happy with the graphite color as I was with the medium blue. The graphite didnt have a very even consistency in the metal flake. But that's the tractor's secondary color. It turned out better than I thought it would. Not too bad for a spray can job. Where are you located? Would love to swap stories with you some time.
Blu, Here's a 611LT that was posted in the SimpletrACtors gallery. Looks pretty close to the 611LTD as far I can find as for the paint scheme. [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/images/gallery_images/tims_toy.jpg[/img]
Welcome to another Indiana member. I know Geneva pretty good,used to deliver to Elkhart Products in Geneva. Be aware that a 410 was only produced 2 years I believe,and parts for the 300 and 400 series AC's aren't as plentiful as the rest of the models.
As a long time member, long time lurker, and Indiana resident, welcome. More good info here than you can imagine. I have a lot left to learn, but my friends here keep feeding the fire!
Originally posted by ZippoVarga
Blu......waited for a nice day and shot the paint out doors. I wasnt as happy with the graphite color as I was with the medium blue. The graphite didnt have a very even consistency in the metal flake. But that's the tractor's secondary color. It turned out better than I thought it would. Not too bad for a spray can job. Where are you located? Would love to swap stories with you some time.
BEAUTIFUL Job there bud!!:) I live 4 miles east of ( from the Flashing light @US27)Geneva near the OH line. Heck name the place somewhere (maybe in or near Portland/Redkey?) and Im sure I could slip away for a bit for a bite to eat or a coffee!! 8D Im open! Randy
Originally posted by KSever
Blu, Here's a 611LT that was posted in the SimpletrACtors gallery. Looks pretty close to the 611LTD as far I can find as for the paint scheme. [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/images/gallery_images/tims_toy.jpg[/img]
THANKS K!!:) That is pretty darn close except my LTD has a flat hood , no deck lift lever on the side either,and the shifter setup is a tad different.Paint and decals are spot on though, except for the extra "D" after the "611LT" See in that pic how the fiberglass grille surround is all faded? Is it tough to get paint to stick or look right on that when repainting??Whats the key to keep it looking good?? Mines about like that one condition wise right now. Ill try and geta pic if the sun ever shines again!LOL:D
Originally posted by goatfarmer
Welcome to another Indiana member. I know Geneva pretty good,used to deliver to Elkhart Products in Geneva. Be aware that a 410 was only produced 2 years I believe,and parts for the 300 and 400 series AC's aren't as plentiful as the rest of the models.
WOW Ken it is indeed a small world!!:)EPC is one of the few big employers in little ol Geneva. Did you drive truck too?? Thats kinda weird cause the last driving job I had before my health got so bad, I delivered in South Bend/Mishawaka, Walkerton and up to Niles and Benton Harbor, MI about 3-4 days a week.Funny if we crossed paths or talked on the radio at one time.LOL I know South Bend like the back of my hand!!Had about 25-30 places I delivered to up there.South Bend Chocolate company plant on Western (I think?) was ALWAYS a favorite delivery! YUMMMY! Thanks for the info on the 410. The one Im trying to get is all there, looks like its pretty straight and its in running condtion, so it doesnt look like I may need to much model specific stuff for it. I guess well see IF I get it. My biggest problem is convincing the wife I need it.She just doesnt understand why I want another "piece of junk like THAT" sitting around to have to mess with! She doesnt understand..IT'S FUN!!:) Course..Im sure no one here has EVER had any problems like that!! ROFLMBO:D
Thanks for the welcome John and Critch!8D Im already learning a ton (Jeez I feel dumb though now!LOL) and feel as though Ive met some pretty GREAT folks here. I see a lot from IN. Im gonna be counting on em to keep my fires lit too!8D You guys are GREAT here!!8D I truly feel as if Ive found a HOME!!:)
Blu, I think you will find that this site has grown into one very large family. If you have seen any of the posts about Spring Fling which just happened last weekend in Blacksburg, Virginia, you will see that. We had around 20 members show up, and it ended up feeling more like a family reunion than a tractor meet. We had a couple people from Indiana that came down, one from Illinois, a couple from Michigan, then there were the ones from WV, VA, MD, NC, SC, TN, GA, and probably some other state that I have overlooked. Most of us had never met before, but I can tell you, it sure felt like home when I was among this bunch of people. Even the wives and children had fun. The women sort of ran things, while the men were more occupied with tractors, and such. If you hang around long enough you will become a part of this madness. It is very contagious. Have fun, and enjoy. We are glad to have you with us.
Thanks Comet!VERY glad to be here! Rod, I did see that last weekend gathering.THAT looked like a BLAST!! :)I think I see EXACTLY what your talking about.I just feel VERY welcomed and Im not going anywhere. I just dont know how else to say it except I feel like Im home here! You kinda geta feeling from some boards, and I get one from this one...and Its a GOOD one! I hope my feet dont stink cause Im gonna kick off my shoes and prop up my feet. I guess you guys are stuck with me till ya kick me out. Hopefully I can contribute something eventually instead of the one always asking questions. Randy8D
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