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4040 or new tractor?

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I have a 4040 that I've had for a couple years now and it's done a pretty good job for me mowing and plowing snow. It burns some oil, and the Onan is probably due for a rebuild, but I just keep an eye on the level. I've had some issues from time to time, but it keeps running. However, I am really tempted to get a newer tractor. I replaced the drive belts on it last week, and since the belts must have hung on the dealership's wall for 20 years they were a pain in the rear to install!}:) It reminded me that this tractor is 30 years old and parts are not easy to get. It seems that I am always working on something on this thing or tinkering with it. I feel like I am at a cross-roads: either spend money on my 4040 with an engine rebuild/replacement or sell it and use that money towards another tractor. Probably the key is that right now I don't have the time to work on this tractor: I have 3 kids in softball/baseball/T-ball, plus I was just elected to the school board. Add work and camping to the mix....I just want to go out to the barn and get on the tractor and start mowing when I want to. I've been visiting dealerships with my son, and he can reach all the pedals on the Prestige and Conquest tractors (I won't let him drive the 4040 until he'd be MUCH older since it doesn't have any safties). I was even tempted by the Super Garden tractor 1554 Cub Cadet at TSC, but it's a much cheaper tractor than I have right now, plus I am partial to the orange. I know that it is easy to give advice when you're talking about someone else's money...plus I could probably guess that it will be a 10:1 margin in favor of keeping the 4040...but what do you all think?
Can you say Kabota? Good choice if you want to use instead of work on. My opinion.
I have go along with Ray, the kabota zero turns do a nice job as do the Toros. We all know Onans are not cheap to work on and parts can be a problem, that said I've got a 616 and two 620's plus a ariens GT17 and it seems like spend more time fixing the my churchs 95 Honda rider than all four of mine.
Just the fact that your open minded and already know your options is a good thing. You've covered some key issues, safty for the son, time down,etc. And you've looked at some options.If your just mowing then a zero turn is definately an option, however they don't normally ride as well as a 4 wheeled tractor. We don't have to discuse the cut quality on the Simplicity's as compared to others so I won't go into that. I think the bottom line is if it's in your means then maybe it's time you upgraded to something more trouble free. Abiliaty to repair it yourself isn't the problem, you've learned that your time for yourself is better spent right now on something else. If your really found of the 4040 then keep it tucked away somewhere for later. My 2 cents worth.
Buy the Simplicty Conquest,prestige, or Legacy XL. You already know how well the 4040 mows.I did the same thing a yr ago,bought a 2004 AGCO 2027 Diesel,Legacy XL with differant Decals.I had a 620 ,i bought to show,restore.Got to thinking like you about all the money i was going to spend to get it like new and bought the AGCO 2027 4x4 with loader & 5 ft deck.Dont know how much you want to spend or how much you mow but i would at least buy one of the 2 models that you have already looked at.They are both nice tractors with plenty of power to push snow or to put a tiller on the back.The Kubotas are nice tractors but nothing mows as good as a Simplicty on my oppion.I have mowed with other makes & models and havent seen a tractor yet that mows as good as a Simplicty.Buy what you can afford.
I bought a Legacy XL with a five foot deck and loader. I like the three point hitch, but I wish it lifted higher. Everything else I really like. I considered getting an older tractor when we bought our property two years ago, but like you, I just don't have the time to always be fixing something. I like tinkering, but not when I need to get something done in a limited time. I would still like to have an older tractor like a 4040 for some chores so I don't have to switch attachments so often. The initial cost of the Legacy was an issue, but when you consider how many years I expect to keep the tractor, the cost per year is not that much. Some of the members here are using 40+ year-old tractors, so for a Legacy XL that would work out to about $300 per year, or less than a dollar a day.
I could be wrong but it looks like you have room for at least another tractor under that roof
If you don't want that 4040 any more, I'll drive out to your place and haul it away for you. I need a little notice, since it will take most of a day for me to get there. :D:D I would love to have the opportunity to work on it.
I wasn't planning on giving the 4040 away;) As for any more room, my barn is FULL. My father-in-law just gave us his Ranch King 18 hp garden tractor with a 46" deck (He bought a new Kubota). Now...there's no comparision between this and a Simplicity, but it makes a good back-up mower and gives us a tractor my wife can handle. Plus I just got a nice Simplicity 2 stage snowblower from my grandpa (it needs new fuel lines but other than that it is in great shape!) Some days I think I should fix up the 4040 and either rebuild the Onan or install the Honda engine and sell the old engine. When I mowed with it tonight, it ran fine with no problems and it just cut right through the thick grass with NO problems. I am eyeing a few other tractors, but I'm having a hard time parting with the $$, especially for a brand new one.
I thought my Onan was about to die, it smoked, fouled spark plugs every 10 to 20 hours and booged down in tall grass. A friend suggested that I run 20w50 oil. The difference was amazing. I mowed for three more years before I had to do another thing to it. I eventually replaced the engine with the Briggs and Stratton from SEW. $1500 vs $10,000 hmmm?
One other thing on the Onans from experiance, you absolutly want to make sure the timeing is correct
Keep the 4040,park the Ranch King outside under a tarp.And get a Simplicity zero turn mower! It's orange,fast and the Mrs loves to mow with it.Leaves me with more free time!
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