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Another mod to the RBT....

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Almost have the 3314-h the way I want it.....one or two more little mods and it will be good to go:D Here is the latest change.

Nice Nelson can muffler strait from an FDT... Now to get rid of them pesky running boards...:D
Mike, You should write a book. "Twenty ways to mess up a perfectly good RBT". I could use a copy of that book. I need something to throw at the neighbor's dog when he comes into my yard. [:0]:D
Originally posted by HubbardRA
Mike, You should write a book. "Twenty ways to mess up a perfectly good RBT". I could use a copy of that book. I need something to throw at the neighbor's dog when he comes into my yard. [:0]:D
Looks great. I like the muffler outside the hood.
I need that book so that if I ever get a rbt I can truly make it right. But, 20 ways to fix an rbt would be a more appropriate title. BK
wow that motor really messes up the tractor, :D my briggs 16 dosen't have the same power as the kohler 16, and it comes on the governor way more . ill post a picture later of the 716 i messed up:)
Originally posted by maxtorman1234
wow that motor really messes up the tractor, :D my briggs 16 dosen't have the same power as the kohler 16, and it comes on the governor way more . ill post a picture later of the 716 i messed up:)
Well first of all Graham glad to see that you paid your dues and are a full member again. Second, bring you best K engine down anytime you like and we will run them off, mow, plow, till, race down the driveway and back....;)If that 16 Briggs is messing up things that much for you I am still willing to take it off of your hands:D
I'd like to, but you're a little far away from me, i still have to hook the rototiller on and see how it handles that:)
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