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Automatic Weedeater In Action

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Photo is of my automatic Weedeater in action. It is self starting, self cord reloading, and has total self operation. All I have to do is feed it some praise occasionally. :D [img]/club2/attach/Roy/AUTO%20WE.JPG[/img] Oh, I also have to give it some coffee on a daily basis to keep it functional. I try to overlook the green and yellow colors.
Roy, that looks like one of them "high maintenance" weedeaters to me.:D
I got to get me one of thouse!:D:D Elon
Elon, I think you are like I am. We both already have one, but I am having a lot of trouble getting mine's hands shaped to fit the weedeater. No matter how hard I try, they just don't seem to fit.:D
Tom, Yup, it is a high maintenance unit. Small license fee was only the down payment. The upkeep over the years has been astronomical. [:0] Rod/Elon, If your unit does not work with a Weedeater by now it is impossible to reprogram them. :D
Mine locks up when I say yard or weeds and goes shopping.
Marty, Can you "reboot" it???
Forget the dog house [:0], You are going straight to the JAIL HOUSE:D. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.00 :(. JH
Roy, I wouldn't dare "boot" it, even though I feel like it sometimes.[:0] Oh, you said "re-boot"!;) Well, I guess you must first "boot", before you can "re-boot".:D:D
can't reboot she is the one that said "why don't you buy the tractor" when I couldn't find any reason to. This weekend she said "it's not that much more just get it" so I ordered a new trailer. :D:D
Marty, I use the same trick. Keep putting it off, and saying it is a little too expensive, till she gets tired of hearing it and says "just go get it". They never fuss about things that they tell you to get.:D:D:D
Roy, I think its best that we don't even discuss the fuel requirements for that automatic weedeater...
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