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Nelson Muffler for 10HP Briggs

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Does anyone know where to get an original Nelson muffler for a B-210. Do they still make them? Thanks, Tom.
You can get them thru a Simplicity dealer.
they cost around $50.00
If it's a coffee can style try Sandy Lake Implement. They sometimes even have nice used units at great prices.
Speaking of the "Nelson" mufflers,I'm toying with the idea of taking some exhaust tubing from a dieselcar and making a can muffler to replace the missing Nelson on one of my B's. Has anyone here tried that yet? If so, what were your results. It seems feasible but I may be out in left field!
that was a nelson muffler
Well I was slumming a few years ago and saw this guy made a glasspack for his cub. I like his ideas. If I have to fabricate a muffler his idea would be my first attempt, just pack the muffler with glass and a wire mesh. I used his idea for the crankcase breather hose too. http://www.ihcubcadet.com/killerkohler/KILLER%20KOHLER%20Part%20II.pdf
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