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Simple belt question

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Sorry for the basic question, but I can't seem to find a graphic that shows how the belt should run from the PTO to the mower deck. I just got this mower (Simplicity 3415H) about 4 months ago and the snow blower was attached to it so I haven't yet seen how the mower belt should connect. If any of you could post a picture of what it should look like, plus the (current) part number for the belt, that would be great! I have the 48" deck. Thanks.
If you use 'Search For Manuals' on the club home page, or go here: [url]http://www.simplicitytechpubs.com/techpubsearch.php#start[/url] and use 990759 for your tractor and 1690502 for your deck you can download the manuals that should have all the pictures you need and the part number for the belt. There are a few different 48" deck models, so verify the number from yours if it's still there! Good Luck!
If you click on Simple Tractors at the top of this page, then click on the light bulb at the top of that page, then enter 3415H, you should see your tractor listed, with it's mfg # (990759) and the 48" mower listed (990740), and snowthrower (990745 or 990746) Then return to this Club Home Page and enter those mfg #'s one at a time, and in PDF format you will be able to print your own copy of the owners manual and the parts manual. If yours looks like the one in the picture and you were using the snowthrower you may have to change the belt idler pulley to the other hole in the bracket to get the proper belt aligment to the mower. This is a must. We all have Kent Thomas to thank for all his work in developing this great technical reference file. Use it !!! And enjoy your Simplicity. Hope this helps, Ford
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