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Is it tractor mating season???

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I guess the 3416S and the 728 must have been making whoopie. I opened the barn door and seen this.

left front and middle new to me 738 left rear the work horse 63 Squire 9 right rear new to me 738. right center 3416S right front the 728 that started it all and under the blue sweatshirt on the left is the B210. In pieces for now The 16LTH is in the other barn with the quad and golf carts. I'm afraid to look in there!!!
Looks like you're getting a good collection going.
I told you not to leave the viagra in the shop.
Nice collection and shop you have there.
"Nice collection and shop you have there." Ditto.
you still have room, keep the viagra in the shop. nice collection
Must be no ones paying attention to teh street sign hanging in the background...:D
I guess I will have to build a lean to on the back of the barn for storage. The storage barn is full of stuff (qaud, golf carts, push mowers, saw and such. :D:D:D how many tractors can I fit in a 24' x 18' lean to??? As long as the wife can't see them from the deck shes happy. HHHHMMMMMMM mabee a privicy fence.}:)}:):D:D Hey Joer can you send me some more viagra. :D
Looks like you have a nice collection of tractors.One for each job.
Did you get those off Ebay? Looks like the 3 Broadmoors that was on bay last week..
Yes they came from e-bay. The guy delivered them for a few bucks to boot. Real nice guy. I shot the breeze with him and his son for over an hour, And he was in a hurry.
What do you get when you cross a Simplicity with a golf cart? Open the other door and find out.
Originally posted by PGL
What do you get when you cross a Simplicity with a golf cart? Open the other door and find out.
I looked tonight and nothing srange was there. I started looking closer and see nothing hanging down so I guess their all female. SHHHOOO that was close.
Nice looking bunch of toys you have there, can you post a closer shot of the Squire 9. Thanks Dan
Originally posted by PeppyDan
Nice looking bunch of toys you have there, can you post a closer shot of the Squire 9. Thanks Dan
Theres one in my gallery. The bright blue one. The guy I got it from painted it. I will get a better one and post it in the next couploe of days.
Thanks, I'm curious if the squire have an emblem on the grill somewhere and what it would look like. Dan
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