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Ripped the center power take-off right out!

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1966 Landlord 10hp. 42" mower deck. Mowed about an acre of high wet grass then on to high wire grass and a tree branch here and there, rough going at a cottage. Hit nothing big when the event occured. Tractor sounded like I hit something but I could find nothing hit. What I did observe was the entire center PTO assembly hanging by the little engage rod and knob and the mower deck belt or rather parts of it shredded and wrapped very tightly around the idler and bound up. Belt wraps were wedged between idler and idler assembly swinging bracket. Mower deck blades and their belt turn freely. The 5/8 pin with one cotter was still in it and the cotter was still there. I found the big spring laying about 3ft behind the tractor. It doesn't look like anything is busted except the belt. It's almost like it disassembled the pivot pin from the 2 plates bolted to the bevel gear box. I'll tear into it and try to repair this weekend. Anyone had this happen? Any advise? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Alls well that ends well, got it back together and mowed fine with new belts. The cotter key that goes between the side plates on the BVG and the PTO assembly was really thin. I think that's how it managed to let the pivot shaft get jerked out and the hole thing drop down. I was able to unwind the busted belt by removing the u-bolt holding the idler shaft sleeve to the PTO assembly. Good thing it wasn't welded like the Soverign spare I had on hand. I replaced the cotter with a heavier one when reassembling. Thanks for all the help and I'm sure glad my 66 Landlord is fixable.
Without a picture, I'll have to make an educated guess. You said the spring was found about 3 feet behind the tractor. If the spring broke during use and allowed the PTO assembly to swing forward this might have caused the incident you describe. I used a similar machine to yours back in the 1970's, (A/C B-10), with the same style PTO, but I never had this happen. If I recall correctly, there's a cotter pin in the "pivot bar" of this assembly. Perhaps the cotter pin worked itself loose? That's all I can think of, maybe some others have had a similar problem.
I'd check the center spindle for ANY amount of play. Any jump around of the center spimdle will quickly change the angle in whitch the drive belt runs in the deck pulley and can roll or throw the belt off. This may only be a part of the problem though. It sounds to me like the belt was worn down under the heavy load and maybe lost it's abiliaty to track. Thus jumped off the pto drive wrapping itself around the shaft. If this is what happened and it stayed on the decklong enough to cause the engine power to pull the belt deep under the drive the force could have pulled/bent, or done damage to your pto. Then snapping and releaseing the spring tention bounceing the spring out the rear. Just a thought,anything could have happened.
Alpha, It sounds like, if I'm understanding you correctly, that your drive belt jumped and wound itself up. In the process, your tension spring let go which might have made the spring clip side of your pto mounting pin pull out. Did the engagement lever with knob come off of it's mount also? Mike
These analysis are making sense. The spring did not break but the hook, (loop) in one end stretched. The whole PTO assembly did not completely fall off but the only thing keeping it from falling off was the knob and the rod the knob is mounted on was still in it's little braket with a hole in it. The belt sure looks like it was kaput from wear and shredding before it wound up. That seems to support the theory of worn belt = bad tracking = winding around the pulley = whole assembly yanked forward = spring loop stretched to the point of coming out of lever. It could have worn quite badly without my noticing because I was in a hurry to cut the wet grass before it rained again and was mowing after dark with the headlights on to see where I was going.
I had the bearings go out of mine was and I think I remember it doing something similiar. It wasnt to bad to fix. ddh
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