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hybrid 7116h

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I have a 7116h that I have just finished semi-restore on and have a unusual problem on the mower deck. The PO adapted a 44" CASE belly mower to fit under this tractor and I don't know what length belt to use from the pto to mower. I thought if someone could measure from the hitch mounting holes to the center of the drive arbor it would give me some idea of where to start. I really don't expect this combination to mow as well as a Simplicity mower but thought I would try it anyway. Thanks for listening.
Several times when I needed a belt, but didn't have the original, I would go to the local hardware store and pick up a piece of rope of a diameter equal to the width of the belt. I would then wrap it around the pulleys and pull the ends together at approximately the tightness of a belt, then mark the overlapping ends at a place that they would intersect if the rope were a continuous loop. You can then measure between the marks to get an approximate belt length. I then buy a belt and install it, while trying to keep it clean in case it doesn't fit. Sometimes I have to trade a couple of times, but at least the rope puts me in the ballpark. I have also done this by using a belt that is too long to make the measurement.
I will keep that in mind when I get time to get back on this project. Thanks for the reply.
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