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Anniversary weekend & tractor

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This past weekend was our 10th wedding anniversary and my wife and I spent it at our cottage. She helped me change the O rings on the lift cylinders, which made the job go much quicker and I was able to do it without having to remove them from the tractor. Just removed the pins, undid the lower hose, removed the lower pipe fitting from the cylinder, loosened the top fitting so it could breathe and pulled out the piston. It did spray a bit of hydraulic fluid on her, but she coped well. Here is a picture of the reassembled tractor, with my two assistants ready to help move the rest of a sand pile and spread some of it on the drive.

Right in front of the tractor is a trail going up a hill/cliff to a lookout and higher plateau. It is about 80 feet up, and there is about a seven acre beaver pond at the top.

Here is proof the pond is still active.

The next day she helped me start the support structure for a tree house for the grandchildren, getting the first two joists level, square and attached to two trees, establish the layout for the back supports to the uphill side, cut Sono tubes and mix cement on site. A real romantic getaway with lots of quality time together. Sorry, I checked and found the dread re x's, which I haven't managed to do before. I will try to find out what I did wrong, but in the meantime if anyone fixes them up, I am much obliged.
The software can't handle the "and" character in your pictures' file names... :(
Peter You will to have to rename your files with out the & symbol and re-upload them. I deleted the pictures. The ones that won't display.
Thanks guys. I sent the pictures separately in new message. Mea culpa.
"She helped me change the O rings on the lift cylinders" Gooood woman! ^ Beautiful place you have. Is it legal to eat beaver? Glad your cylinder repair job came out OK. Thanks,
I'm not sure whether it's legal to eat beaver or not, but I checked Google for "beaver recipe" and found many, many ways to cook them. The first was for Alaska beaver, some use Ameretto and Jack Daniels. Enough JD could probably make anything taste good.
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