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A-C, model 416

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Scott Price
Hello, Its my first day. I just aquired model 416 with mower deck and plow the unit was not supposed to run low and behod it work fairly well. So we are currently looking for any and all information anyone might have i.e parts, operations and repair manual. Also intrested to konw if a snow blower was made for this unit or a unit from the simplicty line adapatbale. We would like to restore the unit to its original condition so im looking for a place to purchase the original chrome wheel covers and original A.C. tractor seat that is compatible with the 416 model. Any help or suggestions on settign mower height would also be handy. Thank you.
You're a smart man, Scott. One post, and you're a member! That's gonna be the best 10 bucks you've spent. This site has a wealth of information, but an even bigger wealth of helpful people. Someone will be along shortly to answer your specific questions. Welcome!
Scott Price
Thanks, I lerned a long time ago it's good to be a member
There are a few of us here that have the 300-400 ACs, The maunals can be down loaded for free from this site, use the cross ref. to find the mf# and punch it in on the home page. And yes they have a snow blower for them, most will work with the right hitch, but the hitch is hard to find. WELCOME to the best spot to find out about your projects.
There is no direct simplicity equivalent to the 300 and 400 series so you will have a tougher time downloading the manuals but I know they are on the master list on the print vendor search. Here is a link with instructions on how to download the manuals: http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=32436 As for hubcaps, any Simplicity Dealer can still get them new. Good luck with your new toy and welcome to the Club! Chris
I know of four relevant 416 manuals on the Simplicity site. They are: TP_500_3483_00_LT_A.pdf Service Manual TP_500_2926_00_SK_S.pdf Vickers Manual (if you have a hydostatic transmission) TP_400_1506_00_AC_A.pdf Parts List TP_100_1504_00_LT_A.pdf Operators Manual I bought the replacement seat from Northern Tool. The particular model I bought (1741) is no longer available but it looks like they have other similar seats. I think Michigan Seat may have made the original. The numbers in the Parts List are Allis numbers and need to be crossed. One of the other members emailed me a cross reference file. (I can forward it if you send me your email address using the message function.) Also, the 416 shares some parts with the Sovereign. [img]/club2/uploaded/BobT/416H_with_Blower.jpg[/img]
Scott, I believe the mower deck on an Allis 400 series is the same as the deck on my A/C built Homelite. Other Allis 400 owners should be able to confirm. The manual for the deck is available at: http://www.simplicitytechpubs.com/6767PRINT/PDF_files/TP_400_3188_00_AT_H.pdf Not sure if other A/C built Homelite manuals are of any use, but other Homelite manuals are available on the same Simplicity web site.
Scott, welcome to the club!!
scott, welcome to the best tractor sight around. i have a 416 also, it was my first tractor to restore. drove to spring fling to meet club members, had a really good time.see pictures in events and gatherings.the 300 and 400 hundred series tractors were made in south carolina at the allis chalmers plant in early 70 to 74, not by simplicity. see homelite in main page on simple tractors.also i have had decals reproduced at local sign shop for 416 if you need any. attachments are hard to find for these tractors, but are out there if you look hard enough. as far as manuals i called simplicity and had my manuals sent to me as a hard copy. they cost more, but i like them better than a download book.also found original book at portland swap meet last year. good luck//////////
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