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AG tire suggestions

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Gents, I am going to get a set of 23-10.50-12 lug tires for my 716. Any suggestions on tire brands and models? Most seem to be priced similar... Brent

I like the carlisle super lugs myself. I have been buying my tires from tires unlimited. http://www.tiresunlimited.com/default.htm
I agree with Ray. Since I can't find the deeper Chen Shin lugs any more, the Carlisle Super Lug or Tru Powers seem to be the biggest, deepest lug out there... The Super Lugs are a bit cheaper. I have Duros on my HB-216 and don't care for them at all... You can also check Rustybore's Tire Store on eBay. He carries Carlisles at good prices. He has the 23x10.50 Super Lugs like Ray's post shows for $119 a pair and 8.50s at $46.25 each. He has 23x8.50 Tru Powers like shown below for $102.50 a pair. He has 10.50 Tru Powers for $67.50 each. You could email for the price of pairs. The Tru Powers look to have a bit more agressive tread than the Super Lugs... [img]http://members.aol.com/rustysjpgs/trupower.jpg[/img] Just depends on what you want to use them for... Since Carlisle bought Dico/Titan, the choices in US made lug tires isn't quite what it used to be... http://search.stores.ebay.com/Rustybores-Tire-Store_tru-power_W0QQfciZ4QQfclZ4QQfsnZRustyboreQ27sQ20TireQ20StoreQQfsooZ2QQfsopZ2QQfsubZ12QQftsZ2QQsaselZ385459QQsofpZ0
I personally like the Tru powers over the Super lugs the Tru powers seem to have a straighter side walls the super luggs are more rounded and I like the lugs better..
On the topic of tires- I'm a pure OEM restorer, and I own a B-210. Would changing the tires from a turf set to a lug set change the value? Or betray the originality? Did they offer lugs as optional equipment when these were sold? Thanks, Erick p.s. I'd like to note that I was previously "Dechatham". I changed it to "ketchamized" today. (I'm having a problem with someone stalking me.)
Originally posted by n/a
On the topic of tires- I'm a pure OEM restorer, and I own a B-210. Would changing the tires from a turf set to a lug set change the value? Or betray the originality? Did they offer lugs as optional equipment when these were sold? Thanks, Erick p.s. I'd like to note that I was previously "Dechatham". I changed it to "ketchamized" today. (I'm having a problem with someone stalking me.)
Lug tires were available -- but they were Firestone brand -- and are very, very difficult to find today. You won't decrease the value by using a different brand.
When we were into tractor pulling, the Carlisles were considered the best for the 10.5 size. I have Nankangs on my 61 Wards. They look like the Carlisle super lugs, and appear to be very similar in traction.

I have seen Deestones advertised on ebay, they are a bit cheaper than the Carlisles I think. I have sets of Deestone, Carlisle super lug and Carlisle power trac. Out of the 3, I would say the power tracs are the best, they seem alot tougher rubber and have alot of grip. They have nice wide lugs so it isnt as bumpy on a hard surface. The lugs are also nice and deep. The Deestones and Super lugs are very similar Outers are Deestones, Inners are Carlisle Power tracs http://cgi.ebay.com/23X10-50-12-Deestone-4P-Super-Lug-Tires-23x8-50-12_W0QQitemZ7772863539QQcategoryZ29520QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Originally posted by Mith I have sets of Deestone, Carlisle super lug and Carlisle power trac. Out of the 3, I would say the power tracs are the best, they seem alot tougher rubber and have alot of grip. They have nice wide lugs so it isnt as bumpy on a hard surface. The lugs are also nice and deep.
Mith, good to see you posting here! :D My Power Trac PT-425 came with 23x10.50x12 Power Trac tires on it -- here they are, at 250 hours. As you describe they're a wide, flat tire -- no round shoulders to speak of. They also have a "rim guard" feature, where the sidewall of the tire is molded to where it sits flat with the edge of the rim, protecting the rim and making it more difficult for a stick or something to get driven up between the tire and the rim, breaking the bead seal... [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2//attach/Kent/pt_front.jpg[/img] I like them, but they seem to be harder to find than the others I mentioned above. I'm not sure if Carlisle replaced them with Tru Powers after they bought Titan out, or not. They're selling Power Trac II tires now, which are an ATV-type lug tire with small lugs closer together, similar to Ditch Witch tires. Tucker Tire on eBay is advertising 26x12x12 Power Tracs for sale for $124 a pair, which leads me to think they've been discontinued and they're selling the closeouts. They don't have any 10.50 Power Tracs listed. Here's the 26x12x12s: http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/jimdalton/157356picture.jpg http://cgi.ebay.com/26-12-00x12-JOHN-DEERE-TIRES-cub-Carlisle-POWER-TRAC_W0QQitemZ5677295314QQcategoryZ1467QQcmdZViewItem
Aren't these really hard on the grass? I understand for plowing and such, but I alway thought the turf tires were better for Mowing
They're only hard on your lawn in two circumstances: 1. If the ground is real soft, they'll leave dents 2. If they ever spin, they'll tear the sod up quick -- but they're much, much less likely to spin than turf tires. If you have hills, the turf tires spinning will likely cause more damage than these...
I have the Carlisle Super Lugs on several tractors. This is my own opinion but don't rule out the Duro brand. They are somewhat undersized compared to others, per given size, but have more lugs on the ground at any given time. I like the set I have on my snow pushing tractor. I have lots of weight on it though.
I have the Duros on my HB-216, which happens to be sitting, stuck, with the tiller on it in my wet garden right now because those short lugs won't shed the mud... they're like racing slicks! It got dark before I could get it out, so I don't think too highly of Duros for "field work" though they do OK in the snow. I use them with the snow/dozer blade, instead of chains, because spinning is almost inevitable and I don't want to scuff the driveway too bad... Actually even in dry dirt, these Duros spin very easily using the tiller or moldboard plow -- IMO, they're not nearly as good as tires with bigger lugs... I don't have wheel weights on them, but they're loaded with WW fluid.
Thanks all for the advice! Brent
Kent, Do you suppose your situation might be different if you had the other tires? Again, just wondering. Thanks, Jim
With the Chen Shens I had on my Big Ten, I never had the same kind of problems working the same garden.... After selling it, I put these Duros on the HB... wish I'd gotten Super Lugs or something similar....
Thanks. I wish I could get a set of those then. Are they available? Jim
Originally posted by jdm
Thanks. I wish I could get a set of those then. Are they available? Jim
Not the deep lug Chen Shens. Closest I've seen are Super Lugs, Power Tracs (no 10.50s available) or Tru Powers. My top choice would be the Tru Power... they have more lugs (it appears) and a flatter sidewall. All three are quality US-made tires. Next level down would be the Deestone Super Lugs, with the Duros at the bottom of the list. In talking a tire dealer about the Deestones, they told me that they run a bit smaller than US-made tires since they're actually metric-sized. He said a 10.50 Deestone was only slightly bigger than an American-made 9.50, and not as big as an American-made 10.50...
Kent, interesting you say that about the Deestones, I thought mine looked thinner than the Carlisles. As they are dualled up you can see the difference in the picture. (which seems to have disapperared, probably clicked the wrong button when I edited). They alos are more rounded on the surface compared to the flatter Carlisles. On the other hand, the Deestones are 4 ply, the Carlisles 2 ply. And the Deestones are cheaper! Its good to be posting here too, I like looking at the pictures! Lots of good info I can relate to the tractors too, thanks!
Mirh I deleted you picture. Non Paying Members are not allowed to post pictures or post links to personel pictures.
I like the look of these tires. But i just want to make sure of something. I use to pull cars in to the garage but with tire spin i cant. WIth these ag tires will it be ok to do so? Its a 3416H im using. Also is it hard on the mower as far a maybe tearing it up? Pulling a car? My question was already answered about leaving ruts in the yard while mowing.... Theres alot of good info on this site. Thanks ALL!!
I have pulled my GMC 3500 4x4 1 ton car hauler that weighed 9000lbs empty up a 15% grade on pavement in to my garage several times with my 7790 with no problem. I also dragged a Toyota van with locked brakes up the same grade into the garage with it.
UCD Posted - 06/16/2006 : 12:36:03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have pulled my GMC 3500 4x4 1 ton car hauler that weighed 9000lbs empty up a 15% grade on pavement in to my garage several times
That pretty much sums up the FORD vs Chevy debate:D I even like the included "several times";) -Paul
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