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throttle problems

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for the first time a week and a half ago, i finally got to use my 637 to cut grass at my new house. now half way through cutting the thing just throttled up like a? now my thought is maybe the governer screw loosend up on the idle arm on the outside of the engine. the reason i think thats a possibilty is because i adjusted it about a month ago. but other than that would there be another reason for it to idle so high. i have not had a chance to really inspect the problem closer yet. thanks in advance shanon
Regarding this phrase:
...the thing just throttled up like a .
I'm not familiar with this expression. And no offense is intended. I'm not trying to start anything here, as I don't even know you. I mention this only for two reasons: 1. It seems like inappropriate language, given the family nature of this site and, 2. I think it is an example of how virtually all humans (including me) sometimes repeat an expression they've heard, without understanding it. IOW, they don't even hear what they're actually saying, let alone mean what they're saying. (I am familiar with an expression that the quoted language sounds similar to, however, which would also not belong here, IMHO). Re: your throttle problem, I like your theory, and that would be easy to check, to see if the governor bracket is moving on the shaft. You would also want to verify that none of the gov. linkage/throttle mechanism has come apart or become bound up. If all of that's intact, I would suspect some internal engine damage to the governor. You could check this out (I believe) by starting it up, and manually (with your fingers on the throttle butterfly lever) keeping the throttle closed to prevent an over-rev, and see if, when you open the throttle butterfly with your fingers, you feel the governor acting to close the throttle or not. Just a thought, but better minds than mine can advise you further. Peter
I for one am offended by the term that you used.... Remember that this is a family rated forum....
sorry guys i did not in no way mean to offend anyone!
Yeah, i don't know what it means either but i'm offended by the letter a too, especially when there is a questionmark following it. Further, i am even more offended when it is improperly quoted and only followed by a period.
Uhm, Callwill? I don't know you either, but I feel the need to clarify your misunderstanding. When you say this:
Further, i am even more offended when it is improperly quoted and only followed by a period.
...it is apparent to me that you think I "improperly" quoted shanhamm, but in reality, I did not. You must have tuned in late, because originally, I quoted him exactly, and the moderator or owner or some other person with the digital rights to alter my post, altered my post. In fact, they removed the words I quoted, without even acknowledging that they did so, so that it now reads as the letter "a" followed by a period. (The question mark that offends you was not part of shanhamm's post either--the moderator added that). I understand if they felt they needed to change my post, as I was quoting the two missing words (neither of which were swear words, btw, but inappropriate nonetheless, as they described a crime of violence). I just think that if the moderator had bothered to say "post edited by moderator" then you wouldn't have had to be "even more offended" than you already were. And I wouldn't have had to defend myself, by explaining to you, that I did not "improperly" quote anyone, when in fact I was just trying to prevent children from being exposed to inappropriate language on this site. But hey, maybe they figured, "Heck, it's just BigSix--we don't like him anyway, 'cause he doesn't think like us, right?" In any case, I just wanted you to know that I was not the source of you being "even more offended" than you already were. I did not do the "improper" quoting that you accuse me of, so, if that "improperly quoted" language offends you, please understand that your beef is not with me as, again, I quoted shanhamm exactly, albeit I did bold the two words that offended me, that are now missing from both shanhamm's post and mine. Your beef is with the moderator or whoever did alter my accurate quote of shanhamm. I'll say this again: I'm confident shanhamm didn't even realize what he was saying, let alone mean it, because I'm familiar with the only phrase which sounds almost exactly like the words he used, (commonly used in motorsports, sadly) and he didn't even say that one correctly--he just wrote how it sounds phonetically. I just think his post is a good lesson on the importance of listening to ourselves to guard against just parroting what we (think) we've heard others say. In other words, not only is important to listen to others--it's important to listen to ourselves.... And I think your post is a good refresher on the dangers of making assumptions, right? ;) And I think both of your guys' posts illustrate the need to maintain a "critical thinking" mindset--critical thinking is that hundred year old intellectual movement which says, basically, "Question what you think you 'know'." For example--I thought I gave shanhamm some helpful advice on his throttle problem, but I'll admit, I've only messed with the internals of a couple of governors. So perhaps I made a mistake? So...is anybody else gonna try to help this poor guy fix his over-rev problem, or what? LoL Peter
Originally posted by BigSix
And I wouldn't have had to defend myself, by explaining to you, that I did not "improperly" quote anyone, when in fact I was just trying to prevent children from being exposed to inappropriate language on this site. But hey, maybe they figured, "Heck, it's just BigSix--we don't like him anyway, 'cause he doesn't think like us, right?" Peter
I removed the quote from Shanon`s post. Because it was intirely inappropriate for this site and offensive to others. And I didn`t figure what the heck that it is just BigSix. How could I dislike you if I don`t even know you?
RayS: Re:
I removed the quote from Shanon`s post. Because it was intirely inappropriate for this site and offensive to others. And I didn`t figure what the heck that it is just BigSix. How could I dislike you if I don`t even know you?
I agree, you couldn't dislike me if you didn't know me. But how could I know it was someone who didn't know me, when it was done annonymously? ;) I only said what I said because, it used to be, when I was a full member, and ventured into the former "Coffee Shop," that my Liberal views were not appreciated. But since you don't know me, I agree, it's unlikely you'd have an opinion one way or the other. But until now, I didn't know who did edit my post. Thanks for clarifying. All the best, Peter
first of all, when i said what i said i had no idea it was really offensive, now i do. i have to watch my p's and Q's when i say what i say. like it was stated before this is a good learning experience. second, bigsix thanks for your input on my problems with my throttle problems. i looked at it today, and it ended up i did not tighten the bolt from the govener rod to the throttle arm on the outside of the engine tight enough. i reset the governer and everything is good as new. thanks again big six shanon
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