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How to free up a frozen "G" trans?

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I have waited for over a month to move my "parts" tractor from my garage to its' home in the shed. Of course, I chose a day that was 95 degrees. It is a 7016G and the trans is stuck in gear. I pushed it about 6 feet and said "enough with this BS...I will ask my tractor friends if there is an easier way". It was exceptionally difficult to push made even more difficult with this torn rotator cuff I have...not to mention the incredible heat!8D My 7016H has that "free-wheel" button/lever under the seat. This "G" does not have that wonderful option. Is there an easy way to get those wheels to roll free? As it is a parts tractor, I am not opposed to performing some surgery. Ideas? It would also be a lot less heavy if someone were to come pull that engine off of her. ;) Ahem Jay....do you still want the engines? Thanks in advance, Erik
Erik, You could build a rear-wheel cart by 4 pieces of 2x4's- and 4 rolling caster wheels. 2 of the 2x4's should be the length of one end rear tire to the other rear end tire. The other 2 should be the length of the rear tire side to side. Screw them together in rectangular fashion, and install casters on the bottom. Then lift the tractor and place the rear wheels onto the new "cart" and pull the tractor using another tractor or your car/truck. Due to the weight, it may be wise to place the casters at where the 2x4's intersects on each corner. Another idea, find two teenagers walking by and offer them ten dollars each to push it in the garage. Erick
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