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AGCO ALLIS 918..loses power

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I have a question regarding my AGCO ALLIS 918 which is basically the Simplicity Sovereign. It has a Kohler CH18S enigine in it. When I am out mowing, after its been running for awhile the engine takes on a different lower pitched drone and seems to lose power ie. bogs down, although it remains running. Sometimes turning the PTO for the blades off for a couple seconds results in returning to normal...sometimes it doesn't. Then I just shut the engine off wait,usually less than a minute, then restart and it runs normally. Has anybody experienced this with a Kohler CH18S engine or have an idea as to what might be going on? Thanks! Brian
Hi Brian. I also have a A-A 918. Never encountered that problem but my valve covers like to leak even with new gaskets"plastic valve covers" and it doesnt idle the best. It is a real tractor other than a few little problems. Hope someone here can help,Matt
Before you blame it all on the engine, drop the deck and check all the mower bearings. Sounds like you may have one going bad and binding now and then. That puts a lot of extra load on the engine and would explain a loss of power.
babablacksheep, THanks for that suggestion. I will remove the deck this next weekend and check it out!
Also, belt slippage on the deck could allow the blades to slow down, and you would hear this as a reduction in noise, albeit not engine noise. Just something to consider....
Is a CH18S the OHC engine? If so, you may never get the valve cover with the fuel pump on it to seal and quit leaking oil. Kohler had massive problems with the OHC engines.
Well today I did drop the deck and found that the center shaft had some side to side play I didn't like. The outer shafts were good and tight. When I took the center arbor assembly apart the upper bearing was found to be alittle rusty, felt loose and was not well seated in the upper housing . Put in a new one and will give it a try later this weekend. I'll update again when I see how she does.
Today I mowed for a couple hours and there were no instances of power loss.It may be too soon to tell, since it didn't occur consistently to begin with but I do think babablacksheep hit the nail on the head. Thank You!
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