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Did club member get this??

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Seen this on ebay, did a club member buy this? [url]http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7620126286&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1[/url]
I don't know who got it but they paid dearly for it.
Thats peanuts for price. I stood and watched beat 3112 with a sickle mower mounted on it, the only attachment with the tractor, get sold at a local auction a couple of years ago or so. About had a heart attack when the bidding reached $1500.00 Now thats what I call paying dearly....
Make me feel good that I have two of them:D:D:D One is a hand lift and the other is a cable. I was going to keep the cable and sell the hand lift, but now I don't know! I'm seeing $$$$$ Elon
I still wouldn't call that peanuts for price though.
I wouldn't call it peanuts either. I would say it's a fair price if you want one of these and you are not what I call "a chaser". If you like sitting at home and you are working on only one tractor, then it's a fair price. If you have a few tractors, that price will kill a budget. If I had one to sell, it would be $350. I have a mint one and one which needs some TLC... I guess I might want more for the mint one too. No sickle bars for sale here.
In an auction environment the going price will vary day to day. It takes two people wanting an item and one wanting it more than the other with the money to spend. An item that sells for $500.00 today might only bring $50.00 tomorrow and the $50.00 item might be in better shape. This could also run true one hour latter. An average price over many sales will establish an estimated value. Guide books are based on long term average value and are just that a guide. People at auctions are unpredictable. Case in point There is nothing any more ruthless or unpredictable than a Dealer Car auction. I was at an Auto auction in Conn. where I bought a Ranger pickup green light which means nothing declarable wrong with it. I did not have a chance to check it out or drive it. When it came across the block one of the Auction Execs was driving it as they were short of drivers. I asked him about it and he said it ran and drove good. I bid on it and bought it at a good price. After signing for it I went to check it out I found that it had a bad transmission, no second gear. This was a declarable defect. I went to the office and voided the sale because this was not declared. I waited for the truck to be rerun at the end of the day figuring I would buy it cheaper with the transmission being declared bad. This truck should have brought $500.00 to $1,000.00 less with a bad transmission. I did not end up buying this truck as even being declared with a bad transmission it sold AS IS for $800.00 more than I had originally paid for it 3 hours earlier. Long story short don't base price/value on an auction price.
Maynard is right...After winding up with a Bolens plow in a haul, I monitored what they were going for on ebay, and that was during the summer and fall. I think there were four in northern states I watched through the fall--the lowest went for $90, the highest was $188. Listed mine on ebay in the winter and only got $50 for it.
Originally posted by lboy1971
I still wouldn't call that peanuts for price though.
Ok, Almonds then :D
Must be a real rare modle here, has a 4 foot bar.
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