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the new backyard pond

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just started on the new backyard pond today, got it about half done.

hence, all the beer cans it took so far to get the job 40% done might not be tractor related. but i wish i rented a mini hoe to get it done. i'll update the progress. hope to have it done in two days!
Thats a big hole for so few beer cans. You must be non-union:D:D:D
it's in and filled, but i still have some landscaping to do yet!

Are you going to filter it or just circulate it?
the pump has a filter built into it.
So, do you think tilling would make the job go any faster. Maybe use a johnny bucket after tilling?? Dan aka IronPony
Looking fine Shan! If you want to keep the water clear build a homemade filter box to set the pump in. I found that to be a far better system than the filter on the pump by itself and you can make one for pennies compared to the $60 to $150 the pond store wants for them. Dan in answer to your question about the tiller... that's the only way to go. When I put in my goldfish pool two years ago I used the tiller on the 3012 to loosen the soil,then used the blade on the 17GTH to drag it out of the hole. Cut the work by at least 70% over hand digging. A johnny bucket would have helped even more.
That looks great!!!!! I better not show the wife that one, I can just see my day's off slipping away from me:D Great gob, thanks for sharing. Elon
Nice looking pond but that sure is a strange looking loader with that long yeller joyless stick:)
a tiller would have been great to have, the sod was a pain to get up. i was also thinking about dying the water either green or blue not sure yet. but i'm also far from done, i want to put in a little stream coming from the pines dumping into the pond. but so much to do yet and my ideas are changing every half hour. first things firs i need to run power out there so i can get rid of that ugly orange extension cord.
  • 2 weeks later...
update on the progress.... i'm almost there just need some more stones for the back, and some stuff here and there.

now its time for a cold one!
ok, two more pics and its done.....

might make one more change, and thats getting rid of the white rocks. if anyone wants one of these close by from me, i had fun doing it, i would do another one in a heart beat. and almost considering starting a water garden business. this one was done for under $100 that even includes the beer it took to get it done.
Shanon, You will have years of enjoyment from your water garden. They are a wonderful back yard habitat for the local critters too. You'll soon notice how alive your yard will become. Here's my little water garden. [img]/club2/attach/zippovarga/MY PI027.jpg[/img] It's 5000 gallons. Took a little over two years perfecting it and learning what works and what doesnt. But I agree, they are a joy to watch come together. Enjoy!! Sean
First, let me say the pond looks great. But let me get this straight....you just moved into that house a month or two ago and you have the time to build a pond? I am sooooo envious. We have been in our house for a year now and I am still painting, organizing, etc. Heck, we still haven't unboxed many things!!! So, to your question a few weeks ago about lifestyle changes after having a baby....here is some follow-up answer: let's just say you won't be digging any more ponds! :D I think you do very nice work and appreciate the pictures of the progress. My biggest complaint about fatherhood is that I never ever ever ever ever ever get more than an hour at a time to get my projects done around the house! I would give anything to get a nice chunk of time to work on tractors or yardwork, etc. But we fathers (of little babies) have to do what we can durining nap time, after bedtime, early mornings etc.... And don't forget that the wife needs plenty of attention too....especially if you want your baby to have a brother or sister some day! I wouldn't trade any of it (well maybe some of it) but I sure would like to have a pond like yours....it would just take me a month of Sunday's to complete. Kudos though and great work!
sean, that sure is a nice looking pond. but i am a little jealous of your 5000 gallons to my 250 gallons. i am excited i did have baby ducklings floating in it the other day. and also saturday when i finished the landscape, i did notice i had about 50 tadpoles swimming around in there. i don't know if that would be a good thing or a bad thing. but we will see. that sure is nice looking. erik, if you want help building a pond in your yard, i will be more than happy to come and help. i loved doing this project so much, i would do it again in a heart beat. you say the word and i will come and help. i drive past your area every day, working in downtown milwaukee most of the time. but remember i have less than 8 months left of free time, after that your on your own. i can't do any projects to the house until after the remodeling phase. i want to tear off the second story and build up. and after that is done remodel the whole downstairs. so until then organizing, and painting is just a waist of time for me. but i still havn't unpacked the garage yet. maybe this weekend. thanks for the compliments. shanon
Shanon, The tadpoles will turn to pollywogs then frogs in no time. My pond is host to typically over 50 mating frogs each season. The sound is amazing!!! Not to mention, it happens with the toads, tree frogs and bull frogs all at different times of the season, so the habitat is always alive during the spring time and well into the early summer. The tadpoles in my pond actually serve two purposes. Food for the fish and they are an excellent means of keeping the mosquito population down once they mature into frogs/toads. Looks great and not nearly as time consuming as my two year project. Cudo's Sean
They are even better when you get one bigger for fish. Here is mine. Built it last year. They are extreemly relaxing to sit by. Wayno

i like that wayno. i was looking at koi's for my pond. i can't believe the prices for a "glorified goldfish". the other day one of my good freinds was over with his little boy to go fishing on the river. between the three of us we caught three little bullheads. so my freinds son wanted to keep them, dad said no. so i told him to go throw them in my pond. i told him he can come see them whenever he wants. the next day i had to throw them back in the river. i felt better. there not made for ponds like that. as much as i hate bullheads.
Shanhamm, www.watergarden.com Inexpensive koi and goldfish. I have 6 now, had seven but one got sick and the others picked on him. Even fish can't get along with one another. Check em out! Wayno
Wayno, That's a beautiful pond you have there!! Shanon...here in Muncie there is a hatchery that brings fancy gold fish, shubunkin, comets, sarosa comets, ryunkin and koi to the local Tractor Supply a couple times a year and his prices are very reasonable. Just be cautious what fish you choose as Koi inherintly are foragers and will eat the roots of some plants. I have noticed that they prefer tropical plants over the more common plants like Hybiscus, hearty lily, mini cat tail, horse tail and parrots feather. These are all hearty enough plants to winter over. Also, ANY bulb plany like tiger lilies, iris and the like will also flourish in your pond. Looks great so far!!!! Sean
Thanks Zippo. Another thing to remember is the fish need depth or large leafy plants like a lotus plant for shade to hide and keep the water temperature cooler or you will have fish stew. Wayno
ok, i've been outside for the past hour and a half, playing with my new under water lights i just got today. which i might add, they where almost $100....(hoping for some overtime, still gotta pay the mortage....) there is so many options, so many colors. this is so hard to decide. i think the way its going, and the ambition i have right now to decide this and that, i think i might be out till dawn the way things are going..... i almost think i'm worse than a women..........
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