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L-112 Loader

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tractor nut
Just picked up a B-12 with a L-112 loader minus pump. Does anyone have a source for a replacement unit or equivalent. Thanks
I can't help ya with the pump, but do you have any pictures!! We LOVE pictures!!!!!:D:D Nice find!!!
The least expensive source I know for pumps is Surplus Center at: http://surpluscenter.com/sort.asp?UID=2006062912242906&catname=hydraulic&keyword=HPSR Here's the specs on the L-12 (same loader) to help size it: http://www.simpletractors.com/attachments/l-12_specs.htm
tractor nut
I have pictures, how do you post them?
Ronald Hribar
You have to be a member to post pictures. Then look under How do I use Club House Function. The subject has been covered thoroughly. It does take some getting used to.
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