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Shipping cost/help for B&S 23D

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I'm in California (Bay Area)and have a potential buyer (WI)for a B&S 23D out of a Simplicity Landlord. Has anyone found a shipping method that costs less than the engine is worth?
If the buyer doesn't need the whole engine, as in parts like the shrouding, flywheel, carb, etc. You can pull that off and save a ton. Also breaking the engine down into smaller boxes like removeing the above stuff will help keep from haveing 1 big box going over into the the high weight special price catogory. Also, avoid the "boxing stores" if you can. They seem to have the most expensive rates.
Tom you might want to check out DHL also. It seems that SmilinSam is having better service and better priceing with DHL over UPS or the USPS. IF you search the archives I believe Sam had a thread on that subject a few months back.
I use DHL everyday. I've had only one time when they messed up my delivery. I receive and send out through them. Alot better service in my area.
About the only engines I am willing to pack and ship are aluminum block engines with cast iron liners. They are light enough to be double boxed and double packed in cardboard cartons. The old Cast Iron Engines I wont even try to package because they just about require a wood crate to be bolted into and then put the crate in a cardboard box to ship DHL or UPS. The Kohlers I have done in two boxes by removing the flywheel, carb, and starter an sending in one while the rest goes in another- and I only do that with the K361 and K341 which brings premiums these days. The rest I wont bother with as its not worth my time for what I get out of them complete. Same with the BRiggs cast irons. Dont get enough money to justify the time or effort.
Thanks all! DHL quoted $65 from N. Calif to WI, seems to make a sale possible. That's using a package weight of 105lbs. A new engine is $700 - $800 and working used engines are not easy to find and are still $350+.
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