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The start of my 4 days Off---It's Growing

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Rolled over and slept in til 7:30 :) , best way to start out 4 days at home. Then I went to town and filled two 5 gallon gas jugs and started to play. Been doing this in a rush on saturday nite when I get home, mowed with enjoyment today.

Next I graded rock off an area I been trying to make mowable for I think 3 years now

Need about another foot of fill and I can move the picnic table outta my way

Now off to some weed control. My "back 40" is up to about 18 inches of pigweed, haven't had time to deal with it yet this year.

So I plowed it under, just too much fun

then disked it down with the LL. Must say, that brinley digs deep in freshly plowed sandy silt.

Then there's this area south of the driveway I yet to get seeded to anything, so weeds are growing

so I double disked it

And I have this mess back on the "north 40" that I'm thinking I have to mow with the sickle mower, then rake the rock off, then plow it under.

Now, it's time to say Goodnite.......

Not a lot of good tractoring today as I started out with a good hour of hand raking the last of the rock outta what is gonna be grass, so I don't have to deal with the rocks again:) Then I drug both areas down about 3 times over with a chainlink fence drag, couple hours on the 3314

Next I seeded it with barley and hairy vetch on the back 40 and barley and clover south of the drive. Thought I had grass seed on hand but guess not, so think I'll let the barley sprout then put the grass seed in as it don't wash or blow away that way

before dragging the seed in

Normally I seed it after I pull the spike tooth harrow then drag it in, get the seed a little deeper, hope I don't regret being lazy today. Still had too many grass root clumps south of the drive to use the harrow. Hopefully it'll rain enough to keep it wet. after dragging

Took a few shots of the weekend project last weekend, it's green:) Hmmmm, pictures won't load, guess I'll try later Here's what the 'back 40' where I was plowing is shapping up too.

and south of the driveway

didn't really need mowed off yet, but just hadda strip it

Just love them stripes, fnt lawn and garden

Maybe earlier when I tried this I was still half asleep:D, seemed to work just fine doing everything the same, i think???
Nice looking place you have, how far is in to town?
Looks good Marty,But your makin me tired already, At that pace your gona need more gas!
Pictures look great Marty.
Marty, you're looking good as usual. ^ How bout sending me some of those "ambition pills" you take? ;)
Ronald Hribar
Looks like you will have to go to"work" to rest up after 4days off. . That happened to me on my last vacation.
great pics, looks like fun Herm
The place looks good Marty! Did you clear all that area or was it cleared when you bought it. Thanks for the great pictures, we love it when you share Alaska with us.
As usual, great pics, thanks for sharing them, and keep them coming.
Marty, if that is you on the bridge, you are awful darn cute. Good work on keeping the place nice.
I've seen pictures of Marty and he ain't that pretty[:0]B):o):o) Lookin good Marty. At this pace you'll have some tractor time and still have a few minuets to pull the gearbox out of the Landlord. Tractor time and shop time AND some porch time at sunset. Can it get any better than that??8D
As cheap as these ole air polluting cast iron briggs run I think 10 gallons of gas will last me the weekend. Disked for over 2 hours yesterday and the landlord still made it back to the shop. 20 some years ago I walked in from the road swingging my Huskie chain saw john cutting in the driveway, been cutting and de-stumpin ever since. Maybe some long winter night I figure out the scanner again and post some pictures of "in the begining". Hey now, the cuteness of the young lady in the sunset just got my genes 18 years ago:D:D. Can't help the aging factor got me:p So far finding sitting on them seats a lot more re[img]/club2//attach/UCD/censored1.gif[/img]l then 12 foot sheet rock Ron. Plus, when I shut them ole briggs off I ain't hearing no traffic or trains or planes or motorbikes. Werid sounds like birds and squirels fill the air.:)
GREAT lawn. That had to take some time.
Looks like tha garden is coming along too ^ ^
Very nice pictures as Always......
Marty, your pictures make me jealous. What a great place to live.
Great lawn, nice tractors, nice implements. You're living my dream! :) Someday I'll get there myself. Way to go!
Great pictures. The stripes look great, I wish my lawn would be nice and green again!
Marty, The only thing I can say is WOW. I know these tractors can run the gammot, but to put them to this much of a project in only 4 days is truely impressive. Bext example of these units ability i've seen to date. Fantastic post!! Sean aka Zippo
Originally posted by AGCO918
Very nice pictures as Always......
YES,,,Indeed Way to much fun up there!
nice looking everything...stripes, tractors, gardens and all!
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