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kohler k241 head gasket

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hello,i have a 10hp kohler k241 it runs good, does'nt smoke,but oil drips steady from the head gasket area.could this be just a bad gasket or something more serious?thanks for any help,advice.
More than likely if your sure it's coming through the head gasket from saturation it will need some inside work such as rings, valve guides, or maybe an over bore. The statement that it doesn't burn oil may be the fact that it's actually burning away the smoke under the heat of the cyl. while running where you don't actually see the smoke. But yet it may be passing the oil non the less. Also if it's really oil it should have taken it a long time to saturate through the head gasket. So if it's just an aggravation right now pull the head off and look at the valves and cyl. for wear and replace the gasket with a new one. Then you can see how long it takes it to saturate the new one. On another note, welcome to the club. Take your time wondering around. There's nothing wrong with where you asked this question but it does refer to the engine in a tractor. So it would have been fine to have posted it in the regular Talking Tractors forum. You would have probably received a little more response there. If your ever unsure refer to the discussions heading on the top tool bar for more definitions of where to post what.
thanks dave, i've never had a head gasket go before and was'nt sure what the symtoms were. But I did'nt think oil would be leaking out. I'll pull the engine and take a look.
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