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Found a tractor w/ a loader - price question

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I've found a tractor w/ a loader. My question is, how much should I expect to pay for it? I do not know what model the tractor is. I can see it from the road, parked under a shed. I haven't approached the owner about it yet. I wanted to have some idea what to expect or offer him. As always, all help and input is appreciated. Tahnks, Steve.
Ronald Hribar
Steve you have to provide some information. Is it brand new? Does it run? What color is it? Are tires good. Off hand I would say $35,000 or $35.00
I'm pretty sure it's a Simplicity, but not a Powermax. I'm thinking a 7117. I know for sure the one sitting beside it is. I can't tell model #s by looking at the grill and that's all I can see from the road. It is not brand new. The paint is faded and I'm not sure it's been run in awhile, but it's under cover. It looks like it has done a lot of work in the past. Let's get guesses this way: 1) Both tractor and loader work 2) Tractor works, but loader doesn't 3) Tractor doesn't run, but loader works 4) Neither works, but in "decent" shape I know this is kind of backwards the way I'm asking, but I would like to have some type of range to assume when I approach the owner. Thanks, Steve.
500.00 to 1000.00 untill you provide more critical data. Just my 2 cents worth.
I always let the seller set the price,if indeed it is for sale.You might offer say $500.00,what it might be worth,and the seller figures you're trying to lo ball him,so he sez $1000.00 I try not to price someone else's parts for them.
I saw a loader on a cub cadet at a farm sale 3 weeks back for 900.00
Hypothetically.....untill you ask.....and inquire as to it's value to the owner.......it's a moot point. Personally, I would not offer anything. I would simply strike up conversation about having a passion for Simplicities also and you have driven by a number of times and have seen his. Thought you would stop by to see if his passion is still alive. Take the time to feel him out if you have the patience. You'll find out soon enough if it's for sale and what's wrong with it with out showing $ signs. Then, once you know the history of the item and it's potential future you can either forget about it or offer to take it off his hands. Just how I would do it. I have met a great number of great people just by striking up a conversation about something in common. And I have aquired a decent amount of things by being cordial and friendly over a similar interest. As have the people I have met. I dont need this, do you? Hey, I noticed you have ??????? Do you know where I can find one? And so on. Just me. Just how I make friends and share things. Good luck in your venture. Sean
I'm going with Sean's attitude. Make a friend first, then a deal if it works out that way. Friends are more important anyway. Dan aka IronPony
Well did you get it? I've been trying to compare a "new price", I've not found anything yet. Below are a couple of links when I search for Kwik Way loaders. One of the links says the Kwik Way Mfg company is only 10-24 employees, so you can imagine anyone in the club could start a business like that... just need the contacts. As for price, I've not found anything on what these go for new, but I expect these run from $1500-2500. If you go to the first link, you'll see you can buy a loader and backhoe for the Legacy. I have a GT17 and if I get around to fixing it up (collecting a few last parts), it's nice to know I can buy a bolt on loader and backhoe for it. http://www.kwmanufacturing.com/ http://www.sd-exports.org/sdibi/trade_directory/client_companies/k_and_w_mfg_company.htm http://www.abcgroff.com/ic/kwik2.htm http://www.stevenchalmers.com/Gravely/Kwik-Way/1.shtml http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/kb13/misc.htm
I'll let you know soon exactly what one is worth...... [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/attach/Brent_Baumer/load1.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/attach/Brent_Baumer/load2.jpg[/img]
Brent, Looks like a great project... Thanks for the pictures. one (long) comment/question: It looks like you are not making a frame which mounts at the axle points and you believe the tractor frame was strong enough... did I get that right? From my observations of the frames that was used on the Simplicity and the pictures of the frames breaking at the BGB, I'd think more might be necessary... or you don't plan to load up your loader with too much weight. I may also be wrong if that tractor design frame runs from front to back and doesn't bolt at the BGB like the older style tractors (I just don't know). Otherwise, I know folks were reenforcing the frames, I am wondering if everyone who broke their frames were not using the weight box; from the looks of how the pivot points with the weight box would work, I can't see how someone would break the frame with the original style frame (as long as a weight box is used.) I may be wrong, but my guess is that the weight box might counter the stress that weight in the loader might have...
Michael, It is usually the BGB that breaks. Most of the longer frames that run to the rear are meant to protect the BGB. The cast iron cannot take the heavy cyclic stresses and it breaks around the bolt holes. I think the tractor frames themselves are strong enough.
Brent, Make sure you tie the loader subframe into the rear frame that the transmission case is bolted into. If you dont the bevel gear box casting will not take the stress and will snap out the two lower bolt holes cast into thr front of it. The DA 916 I had a few years ago was built pretty much like yours and when I got it it was broke in half at the gear box where I mentioned.
Brent, Looking good. You're certainly a lot farther ahead than I am on my project. The following topic shows how Al made a subframe to tie the front and rear axles together and take the bending stress off the BGB bolts. http://simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=44332&SearchTerms=loader Keep us posted. Steve
Rod-Sam, thanks I thought the rear of the frame was breaking away, not the BGB; that is a key difference. I am still wondering if someone is using the complete loader frame with the weight box, does that take the stress off the BGB? The pivot point on the rear frame of the tractor looks to be about 4" forward (towards the front of the tractor) of the rear axle. I think the round tube for the long frame tractors would also be a few inches forward also. So I am thinking if the long angle iron frame which runs from the front of the tractor back to the rear mounts does not have the weight box on it, the loader will push down on the rear brackets trying to push the center of the tractor (where the BGB mounts) down like a "V". That would make sense that the lower two bolts of the BGB would break right where both you (Sam and Rod) say. Now if the weigh box is hanging off the back, wouldn't the stress forcing a "V" effect be mitigated by the weight box pushing up? Now I would expect that if someone over stressed the weight limit of the design, I am sure the "V" force would exist and still break the frame... and we all know how SimpleTractor folks (me included) like to over work their machines... So in long run what ever I can do to prevent that "V" effect will be important. It looks like Brent might need to do that too. Does what I am thinking make any sense? My goal will be to design some frame design which I can move between tractors as I need to restore and maintain one or another machine... thus not being without a loader and maintaining the "simpletractor" easy implement changing feature.
Actually, not sure what I am gonna do with this. It is the Johnson Workhorse loader biggie*rat had mounted on a 7018H. I cut the old subframe off it (it was all welded connections, welded in place) as it would not work on this tractor that has hydrolift and power steering due to interference. Since the previous owner had done all this welding I could not remove the loader from the tractor without substantial dissassembly, including draining the hydraulic system, and then lifting the tractor 3 feet off the ground. My version will allow you to unbolt it from the subframe and not lose any hydro fluid. The 7018H did not have any reinforcement in the rear or around the gearbox and the two cross members were much closer together than what I have done here. The 7018H did not have a broken gear box. I have sandblasted everthing I could get in the cabinet. The loader arms and bucket are still down at the neighbors awaiting blasting in his blasting room.
Here is an example of what that rear frame looks like.

Brent, If you follow the link below, I'm researching how the frames are built for all the loaders which are used on Simplicity tractors. I have pictures of the mounts which were used on the L1 loaders which may be the same for the L12 loader (important the part numbers for the mounts on the L10 verses the L12 are different); I don't have a picture of the round bar mount show in the picture John(Comet66) shows you. I'd like to get the dimensions for that if anyone has them. http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=61640 (edited noting different in L10/L12 brackets...would want to know if they are dimensionally the same...if anyone knows, please let me know.
  • 2 weeks later...
Gentlemen, I did not get the loader. I've been driving by every morning and night waiting to see someone outside so I could stop and talk. I'm fairly introverted and have a hard time knocking on someone's door. Anyway, I saw someone out on Saturday. Unfortunately, he was using the tractor and loader. Oh well, it looks like I'll be building one. Later, Steve.
Mr RB17, may be the person was just checking if the tractor was still runing and working ? I am saying it in a friendly way and far from me the idea of being rough, but if you ask him, the worst that can happens is that the person says "no, its not for sale", but surely he will be flatered just by being asked the question. Its just a point of view transmited to me when i was younger by my grand-mother who was still operating successfully its small business at 79 years old. Or just ask the person another question about anything else and then slip in the tractor question...you never know... I surely must be saying that because i will never have the ability to build a loader and that i find it easier for me to speak to someone instead of building a loder, its true !. But may there is a good deal there...? Best of luck Salutations
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