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Broadmoor 705 engine replacement

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Hi all- The old B & S 190705 engine on the 1964 Broadmoor scares my daughter and irritates my wife-too darn loud. I'd like to replace it with something a bit more modern/quiet--doesn't seem to be a lot of options for quieting them down (except for the super trap mufflers). Couple questions: 1. What size shaft does it need to fit the pulley? 2. Biggest engine I can drop in there? If you happen to be in the Phila area and have a suitable donor, let me know!!! Thanks Sean
Im not sure if I understand what your saying.Is the motor running good know?If so why do you want to change it?If it already scares your daughter?Why would you want a bigger motor?There isnt much you can do to make it quieter.How old is the muffler on it?If it old you can try changing it.If you want to put a bigger motor in it you can go with any 7hp,8hp,10hp,12hp and etc.There has been guys here that has done the smaller frame with bigger motors in them.Hope this help Tony
Well-good point about the bigger engine being louder. I'd like to take it back to it's original 6 hp or so. Any idea of the shaft size I'll need to look for on engines to make sure it will fit the main drive pully? Thanks!!
Originally posted by Pitabu
Well-good point about the bigger engine being louder. I'd like to take it back to it's original 6 hp or so. Any idea of the shaft size I'll need to look for on engines to make sure it will fit the main drive pully? Thanks!!
Pull the deck , crawl under and measuer across the end of the shaft the lower pulley is on on the engine and see what the diameter is. I'm guessing its a 1" shaft which most replacement engines use. You best stick to the 8 HP L head design thats not made anymore unless they still make short blocks for them. I say this because if you get into the newer OHV engines you will likely have trouble fitting it in the tractor without having to do fabricating or modifying. Basically your three obstacles to take into consideration to repower one of those is the gas tank , the pto engagement lever and rod , and the front grill and grill support, not to mention the hood clearance. Measure the heith of engine and the length in all dierctiond from the center of the flywheel and take those measurements with when you shop.
Your best bet is to contact Al Eden,find out just whats available , my daughters and wife all complained about my broadmoor at first,wife got used to it,daughters move to the city,I got a muffler that has a lower tone--not any quieter , when its running i can't hear the complaints
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